Page 54 of That First Date
“Eek!” She beams from ear to ear. “I am having the time of my life planning it, honestly. I feel like all my childhood wedding dreams are coming true.”
Kali clasps her hands together at her chest. “I am so excited for you. I can’t wait for the big day. It’s going to be the wedding of the century.”
“It’s too big,” Thomas groans.
“Oh, stop it.” She playfully hits his arm. “It's a small wedding and you know it. Plus, you don’t even have to do anything but show up in your tux looking as sexy as you always do.”
“So you think I’m sexy, baby?” Thomas purrs.
“Can we for once not be a witness to this?” Logan throws his head back in annoyance. “There’s too much love here today.”
“Leave them alone, Lincoln Log.” Emiline swats his arm with the back of her hand. “They are the only ones here oozing all the love. Get over it.”
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “We got these two over here too.” He hikes his thumb in the direction of Marc and I.
“Oh no. No. No.” I wave my hands in the air in defense. “You know this isn’t real over here. Get the idea ofloveout of your head.”
Marc remains silent as the words come out of my mouth. I watch in my peripheral vision as he brings his glass of whiskey to his mouth without so much as a smile crossing his lips. In fact, he radiates annoyance right now.
Have I offended him?
He’s lost his ever-loving mind if this will ever be anything more than it is.
“You two are…” Logan pauses. “Reallygood at your act. That's for damn sure.”
“Man.” Oliver shakes his head on the other side of the fire pit. “I’ve been gone for way too long. I miss out on all the fun. I mean, I know you guys are doing the whole thing to impress the boss, but damn… I’m with Logan here. I feel whatever you two have going on from over here.”
“I’m glad someone said it.” Thomas laughs.
“Have all of you bumped your fucking heads?” I join in the laughter. Except, my laughter is laced with an edge that other people are seeing what I’m borderline feeling.
My feelings for Marcarethere.
Do I want them there? Absolutely fucking not.
It’s certainly more of a physical attraction than anything. Which is the last thing I wanted or expected from this whole situation.
The two of us are like a rollercoaster. When we’re at work, Marc is just Marc. He doesn’t make passes at me, and we coexist with an employee and boss relationship. We spend the week climbing the first big hill of the ride, and then a few days later, my hands are in the air and we’re flying down the hill with an orgasm that rocks my world. The highs are incredible, but when we’re not flying down that big hill with our hands in the air, or hitting the loopty loop, it’s just… stagnant.
“Leave them alone.” Emiline leaps from her chair. “Letthemworry about them. Let’s play a game of cornhole!”
“I’m down with that.” Marc jumps up.
“Girls against guys?”
“I am so in for that,” Marc says, while Logan follows him. “Me and Logan against Emiline and Ave.”
“You’re going down, Lincoln Log.”
“Don’t you wish I was, Shortcake?” He winks before he starts off toward the cornhole set up.
The entire group freezes around the fire. Marc stands in place with a pissed off look on his face, while Thomas freezes with his whiskey glass at his lips as if he was just about to take a sip but thrown off by what Logan just said.
Kali and I look at each other with wide eyes before we shift our attention to Emiline who stands there with her mouth hung open. As if she didn’t expect it herself.
He didnotjust say that out loud.
Logan turns around and makes eye contact with everyone in the group.