Page 56 of That First Date
“What in the world are you talking about? Since when is there a wrong way todo tacos.”
“How in the world could you not like avocados, Marcus?”
“Are we still on this avocado thing frommonthsago?” He shoots me an exaggerated eye roll. “Fine. Tuesday at noon we have a lunch date. Let’s get tacos, I’ll even have mine with avocados. My treat.”
Did he just set up a date with me?
I was only finding a way to joke with him about his hate for avocados. The truth of the matter is, Marcdoesdo everything better. He’s smart, he’s funny, he can hold a conversation and he knows how to give me shit in the same way I give it to him.
Not to mention, I know how he fucks. It’s dirty. It’s raw. It’s animalistic.
And I fucking love it.
“Again.” I grin. “Always such a gentleman.”
“So, what do you say?”
“It’s a date,” I blurt out. Shit. “I mean… not adatedate. You know what I mean.”
“You want to go on another date with me, Princess?” he says as he takes a step closer, invading my personal space. It’s night out, but I can tell that his eyes have darkened. Using his pointer finger, he raises my chin to look up at him. His body leans in to press against my body at the same time the corner of his lip tips up. I swear, he’s seconds away from kissing me.
I roll my eyes at him, despite the fact that I kind of want to, which is totally unlike me.
“And just so we’re clear, there’s nothing gentlemanly about the things that I want to do to you.”
I can’t help the gasp that comes from my chest.
With every move that Marc makes, I feel…everything.
When he takes any sort of step closer to me, my skin erupts in flames.
When he looks at me, it causes my stomach to flip flop and the butterflies decide to start fluttering.
When he winks at me, my pussy throbs.
And when he flashes me his megawatt smile, my heart betrays me and beats wildly.
I feel myself losing the control I thought I couldn’t lose.
The sun pours in through the open windows, and I let out an audible groan.
The one thing I can’t stand about staying in places other than my apartment, is that I love me a set of blackout curtains. It allows me to wake up when I want to wake up, and not when the sun tells me it’s time to wake up.
I stayed at Peyton’s last night in their guest room because it was just too late to trek back into the city so close to midnight. Plus, with my mom here for the weekend, I wanted to stay close to her.
Picking up my phone, I see that it’s six in the morning.
Another groan.
How do people get up this early and go about their day not feeling tired by ten in the morning?
I pull myself out of bed because there is no way I can fall back asleep with the sun shining in the window the way that it is. This room must be directly on the sunrise side of the house. I don’t even bother looking in the mirror before I head to the kitchen to make some coffee. Peyton and Thomas havethe bestcoffee bar set up with all the fancy syrups that my heart craves in the mornings.
I regret my decision to not look in the mirror the moment I step into the kitchen.
My feet are stuck in place.
I can’t move.