Page 67 of That First Date
Like nothing I have ever seen before.
My own personal porn show.
She takes a minute to steady her breathing as I stand to pull up my pants and fix my belt. I know I come to work in a relaxed fit more often than not, but right now, I look downright disheveled.
She does the same. Leaping off my desk, more perky than usual, as she fixes her skirt and fixes a button on her blouse that I didn’t even realize came undone.
The urge to pull her into me and kiss her is stronger than ever.
After what just happened, I’m ruined.
I’m thoroughly fucked. In every sense of the way.
“This is probably a bad time to ask.” She giggles, her hand brushing through her messy hair to try to fix it. “But you texted me earlier with a question. What was the question?”
The question?
I had something to ask her?
“Oh yes.” I laugh back. Trying to ease the nervous energy flowing through me.
I’m not normally this way with women. But this one makes me as nervous as ever. She’s a fireball. A wildcard, if you will. Feelings are inching their way into my brain. In no way, shape, or form should I have these feelings. That’s not what this is supposed to be. I should not be thinking about her as much as I do.
“Well…?” she urges me.
“Bill called this morning, and I invited him over for dinner,” I finally reply. Rolling up my sleeve that fell down at some point. “He said tonight or tomorrow work for him. I may have said that you can’t wait for Cathy to help you with the wedding planning.”
“You did not,” she says, stunned.
I throw my hands out in defense, “I know. I’m sorry. But he talked about how he was with Todd all weekend. I needed to do something.”
“I can’t do it tonight. Tuesday night is girls’ night. Let’s do it tomorrow,” she agrees without wavering a single bit.
“Yeah.” She nods. “I hate that fuckwitt Todd. There’s no way he’s landing this company.”
Avery picks up her purse and makes her way to her office.
“Oh, and don’t forget to order the tacos for lunch.” She hollers from her desk. “Extra avocados.”
My heart rate picks up speed again.
I’m without a doubt falling for this girl.
Have you ever had a day where you wish it had a reset button?
That would be me today.
My day started off with the smoke detectors in the apartment buzzing. Not beeping, but straight up buzzing as if there were a fire somewhere in the place. Nope, nothing. They buzzed for about thirty seconds before they stopped. Ten minutes later they went off again. We thought it was the toaster oven, but nope. No smoke or burnt waffles here. Then when they went off again for a third time, we thought it was the steam of the shower. Nope, not that either.
I spent my morning groaning in annoyance and it was the worst start to the day.
I left for work early because I couldn’t take it anymore and Kali was handling it with the landlord. I grabbed a breakfast sandwich and a coffee from the local coffee shop on my way in. I dropped the sandwich, sending it flying everywhere. I was embarrassed when they made me another one. Only to walk out without my coffee. So I walked back in to grab the second one and what did I do? Dropped the sandwich…again.
It’s like it wasn’t meant for me to have the pork roll, egg and cheese goodness.
If you try to tell me it’s Taylor Ham, I will fight you because I’m not in the mood today.