Page 39 of Saving Her Vampire
I’ve been trying to hide as much of her as I can. I had to stop myself from tearing the bartender’s throat out, which was nothing compared to what I wanted to do to Brandon. It would be so easy to kill him. He was human. Easy prey.
He was currently tying Tabitha to the cross on the stage. She wasn’t fighting him. She seemed willing to be on display. I suppose Tabitha was a nice-looking woman, but no woman here could compete with the beauty of my mate.
Marie watched the stage in fascination and horror, unsure what she should be feeling. I could feel her confusing mix of emotions since we got in the car. The bond was growing every minute I was with her. The thought should terrify me, but instead, it warmed me. I was becoming wrapped up in her.
I took responsibility for her safety extremely seriously. This wasn’t a safe environment.
Bishop being here with us gave me some security. What was better than having a dragon on your side in a fight if anything went wrong. I had confidence in my ability to win, though.
Marie took a few more photos, and I noticed others in the room doing the same. There is no security in the club. There should be rules that are strictly enforced against anyone taking pictures. I had nothing against sex clubs. If it’s your thing, I don’t care, but there are safe ways to run the club, and this isn’t it. I have an acquaintance that is an owner of a popular one, and he is all about the safety and privacy of his guests.
Brandon picks up a paddle and swings it with force at Tabitha’s leg. Marie jumps as it connects, the sound loud even with the music blaring. I slide my hand over Marie’s stomach, pulling her tight to my chest.
I watch Tabitha’s face. She shows nothing but worship for Brandon. Many couples enjoy pain with their pleasure, and there's nothing wrong with that. But things can get nasty when it breaches the line of abuse or the woman is unsure of her willingness. The woman could be wanting to try to make her partner happy but not get anything out of it.
I believe Tabitha hopes to like the things Brandon is doing, but she is only doing it for him. She wants to enjoy it as much as she likes him. Her moans of pleasure seem forced. He doesn’t care if she does or not. He wants his needs to come above all else. His actions are not loving or gentle. He likes to feel like the biggest one in the room. He loves the feeling that he is forcing her to do what he wants.
Shit. I can’t ignore the things going on in the club. I wish I could walk away, forget about it, and move on with my mate. Not everyone here is bad. There are people with the best intentions searching for something meaningful. All it takes are a few assholes to fuck everything up. The lead asshole is taking his cock out and waving it around.
He hasn’t prepared Tabitha properly to take him, even though his imagination has made him much bigger than he is.
“Bash, I don’t like this,” Marie says, shaky.
“Bishop,” I bark. “Take Marie. Ryker is outside on the roof. Find him. Tell him to get his ass in here.”
“Wait, Bash, you have to come with me.” Marie grabs my hand.
“Baby, I want you safe. I need to take care of everyone here, and I can’t if I’m worried about you. Bishop will take you home and stay with you until I get there. Please, do this for me,” I say. I cup her face. “Please.”
“Okay,” she whispers. “Promise you won’t get hurt.”
“I appreciate your concern, but I have handled much worse than this,” I assure her. I look at Bishop. “I’m trusting you. I don’t trust many people. If anything happens to her, I don’t care how big your dragon is; I will slit your throat and happily watch you bleed out,” I growl.
“I understand,” he says, his voice grave with meaning.
“Tell Ryker he may have to find another way in. The guard is under my influence,” I mention. “Go with him.” I kiss her gently.
“I’ll see you soon. Do what you have to do,” she says. I nod and help her off her seat. Bishop stays close to her without touching her.
I wait until they leave. I wave over to the waitress Bishop was talking to.
“Carmen, I need you to leave. Call that number,” I say, using my influence.
Once she walks out the door, I reach over the bar and grip the bartender by the throat. My demon howls in my head, eager to show him how much his disrespect to my mate was a bad idea.
“I want to give you a lesson, but I don’t have the time,” I say, trapping him in my eyes. “Leave, and do not come back.” I tighten my hand, relishing the strain of his breath.
I reluctantly release him so he can hustle away. I see Ryker with the other bartender. His face is hard. There isn’t a human alive that can withstand his power. He makes quick work of the rest of the people at the bar, delving into their minds, changing what he needs to.
I blur to the stage to see Brandon hastily pulling up his pants as he disappears down a hallway. I’m torn between following or taking care of a shocked Tabitha. He left her tied up and naked. He must have seen me with the bartender.
“I want to help,” I say to her. “I’m going to untie you. I want you to go home and confess everything you have done with Brandon to your husband.” I quickly release her hands and legs. I hand her a towel that is on the table. “You will never see Brandon again. He means nothing to you and never did. It was an unpleasant experience. You will move on.” She nods.
Some minds are more susceptible than others to my influence. Tabitha is easier to mold than most. I’m sure it was easy for Brandon to make all his promises, and she lapped it up.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Tabitha runs past me. I slowly turn to face the vampire behind me. I sense he is young. He is shorter but bulky. His eyes are filled with anger.