Page 48 of Saving Her Vampire
“Do you see how he responds to the women walking by? That woman that just passed is hot as hell, and he didn’t even blink at her.”
“Good point,” I say. Travis hasn’t done much more than work and wait in line to get food for lunch. My phone rings and I dig in my purse. “Yeah,” I answer, distracted.
“Where are you?” Bash asks.
“Bash, I didn’t know you had my number.” I smile.
“I programmed it in. Where are you?” he repeats.
“I got a case. Bishop is helping me catch a cheater. Well, we don’t think he’s cheating. But it’s too early to say for sure. Bishop is a great stakeout buddy. We are eating our lunch in his truck outside of Travis’s work.”
“The guy that may or may not be cheating,” I explain. “Bishop thinks because he doesn’t look at other hot women that he’s not cheating. Do you think that's true?”
“Yes,” he sighs. “Why are you on a case?”
“It’s my job,” I say. He growls low. “Plus, I can’t stay in the house all day. Brandon isn’t going to get through Bishop to get me. He probably forgot all about me.” That sounded sensible. “Have you found him yet?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
“That sucks. Are you giving up?” I ask.
“Fuck no,” he says.
“I didn’t think so.” I watch Travis throw away his trash and walk toward his car. “Bash, we have to go. The subject is on the move.”
“You sound like you’re in a movie,” Bishop laughs.
“Why is he making fun of you?” Bash asks roughly.
“He’s not. He was complimenting me,” I rush to say.
“It didn’t sound like it,” Bash grumbles.
“Sorry, I can’t talk; we have to drive. We have to follow the car. Thanks for checking in, be safe, and I’ll see you tonight,” I say cheerily. I make a kissing sound before hanging up the phone. I’ve never done that. Who makes kissing noises over the phone to a vampire?
“Did you just hang up on Bash?” Bishop asks with raised eyebrows.
“Not really. I told him I had to go,” I defend myself.
“Did you make a kissy noise into the phone before hanging up on him?” Bishop asks.
“Maybe. It slipped out,” I said bashfully. He pulls out behind Travis and follows at a safe distance.
“He is never going to live this down,” Bishop states, glancing at me with a raised brow. “You are never going to live this down,” he adds.
“Whatever,” I murmur.
“He’s going to be pissed.”
“I don’t think so,” I lie unconvincingly.
“Whatever you gotta tell yourself,” Bishop chuckles. His laugh cuts off and he points out the window. “He’s pulling into that hotel.”
“Shit, maybe we’re wrong,” I say in disappointment.
“That’s a fancy hotel to cheat in,” Bishop says.