Page 56 of Saving Her Vampire
“Bash needs someone to stick by him. Even while he’s being an ass. Are you that person?” she asks.
“I am,” I say, my spine stiffening.
“Good,” she says. “I’ll stay with you, too. We can have a fun day in this gorgeous apartment, eat too much junk food, and wait for the menfolk to come home from fighting the bad guys.” She grins.
“If all else fails, you can be waiting for him naked in his bed. That will cure his anger,” she whispers slyly.
“There is that,” I say dryly.
I am way too drunk to be dancing on the balcony. I can’t feel my lips; more importantly, I can’t feel my feet. Ava is twerking while Bishop looks on in amusement. River is on his way to pick up his drunk mate, and Bash is on his way home.
I’ve drowned my sorrows in cake, chips, movies with hot men (none can compare to Bash), and lots of wine. Ava and I started drinking, eager to see who could drink more, and we both lost count.
Bash called Bishop, telling him that he was coming home. I was sad he didn’t call me, but I remembered hot Alpha Jax had taken my phone. I was eager to see my man, my sexy dark angel man. If he was still mad, I had every intention of offering him sex to get over it.
“What are you wearing?” Bash asks, startling me out of my pirouette.
“Bash,” I yell. “You came home.” I skip over to him, bouncing on my toes.
“This looks like fun,” River says. “Mate, you should have called. I would have loved to join.” He must be referring to our outfits.
“What are you wearing?” Bash repeats.
I look down at myself. Ava had seen a video where they made their own clothes. We picked out two long dresses and cut long slits in them. The video made it look so easy. We did achieve one of the goals—to show lots of skin. The cuts were not as straight as they were supposed to be. We stopped when our vaginas started to play peek-a-boo with the fabric.
“Do you like it?” I ask, smiling.
“I like them,” Bishop offers.
“Shut it,” Bash says. “You can go now, Bishop.”
“Ladies, it’s been an eventful, fun night. Call me anytime for babysitting duties,” Bishop says, chuckling when Bash growls at him.
“Ava, cupcake,” River says. “Are you ready?”
“Yup, is Kerian home?” she asks.
“He is.”
“Yay, I want to show him my outfit too,” she grins.
“He will enjoy seeing it,” River says.
“Marie, we have to do this again. Next time, I’ll bring the clothes, and we can try again.” River throws her over his shoulder. “I think we could really perfect the technique. You look hot in it, though. Bash, don’t be mad. Don’t go back to being a dick.” She thrusts her finger in the air. One of her hands is on River’s ass, pushing so she can see us. “Love you, girl. You too, Bash.”
Her giggling fades away, and I’m left with a scowling Bash. “You don’t like it?” I ask.
“It’s interesting,” he mutters.
“Are you mad at me?” I ask.
“How drunk are you?” he asks.
“Not really.” I blink. “Well, how drunk would I be after four bottles?”