Page 6 of Saving Her Vampire
“Thanks,” I say hesitantly. “What did you bring?” I change the subject.
“Yummy goodness. Sandwiches, hashbrowns, and sticky cinnamon rolls.” She takes all of it out, and I rescue my computer before it gets caramel on it.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I did. You blew me off last night, and I came to bug you for a reason.” She pulls out a chair, and I take the other.
“I was tired. I just got done with work,” I say, taking a bite of crispy hashbrown. I was distracted by good food and didn’t realize my mistake until it was too late.
“Where are you working?” she asks with narrowed eyes.
“Umm…” I hum, stalling.
“Marie,” she says sternly. I remain silent with a mouth full of food. “Why do you hide the tattoos? Do you have more?”
I brush off the tattoo question and decide to admit to the job I do. “I work with an investigator. I was taking pictures of a man cheating on his wife. I like it. My boss is nice, even though he sounds grouchy most of the time, and the business is growing. I work nights. That’s why I didn’t want to go out.” Ava looks like I punched her. Her mouth opens and closes a few times.
“Holy shit,” she gasps. “That was the last thing I thought you would say. How did you get into that?”
“I answered an ad,” I say dryly.
“No shit, smartass,” she glares. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“I don’t know. I saw the Help Wanted sign, thought what the hell, and asked for the job. My memory comes in handy with the cases.” I shrug and go back to eating my sandwich.
“Is it dangerous?” she asks, frowning.
“It could be but hasn’t so far. I’m sure the men we catch aren’t happy about it.”
“We need to get you into a self-defense class.”
“I can’t afford it right now,” I say, avoiding her eyes.
“Don’t worry about it. The instructor is a friend.” She takes a drink.
“I’ll think about it,” I concede. “How are Kerian and River?”
“Sexy as ever,” she says, smiling dreamily. “We’re looking into adoption.”
“That’s great,” I say, excited for her. “You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
“You would be too if you ever got out and met people,” she scolds.
“You are so sneaky,” I say, glaring. “You were just waiting to work that into the conversation.”
“It’s true. Promise to come out with me,” she says.
“I promise,” I say, crossing my heart. “I have to get ready for work. We have to tell the wife about her cheating husband.” I walk to my bedroom.
“Can I come?” she asks, following behind me.
“No, you can’t come,” I say. I pull my hoodie off.
“Wow, hold up. That’s what you’ve been hiding,” she says, surprised, her hand waving down my body. “You have a smoking body. Look at you.”
I grab pants and quickly step into them. “I know what I look like.”
“We have to go shopping. Your tight body, covered in beautiful tattoos, needs to be shown off.” She leans against the door, watching me.