Page 74 of Saving Her Vampire
Suddenly, the door explodes and slides down the stairs to come to a stop at the bottom. I close my eyes, and Bash is in front of me the next minute.
“Baby, Jesus,” he says, frowning as he sees the mess I am.
“I’m okay,” I say unconvincingly. He cradles my face.
“You are not, but you will be,” he growls.
“Who else is here?” I ask, still hearing footsteps.
“Ryker and Bishop.” His fingers flutter over the bruises on my face. “Bishop is getting the car. Ryker was searching the top floor.”
“You came,” I sigh, leaning into his touch, even though it hurts like a bitch.
“Of course.” He pulls me close, hugging me gently. His hands shake as he runs them over my hair reverently.
I see movement behind him, thinking it is Ryker; I try to smile at him, leaning around Bash’s arm. Instead, I see Sammy lifting his gun at Bash’s back. I act without thinking, switching our positions so the gun is pointed at me. Bash lets me move, willing to give me whatever I want.
“No,” Bash shouts after the bullet leaves the gun. I step towards it, not capable of seeing Bash hurt.
My body jerks as it hits me in the stomach, and I fall back into Bash. Things get a little blurry after that. I see Ryker flying down the stairs and tackling Sammy, knocking him out. Bash falls to the ground, holding me in his lap.
“I almost escaped,” I whisper, looking into Bash’s fearful eyes.
“You did so well, baby,” he says.
“Are you going to kill him?” I ask; my lips feel swollen.
“Yes,” he says harshly.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” he asks.
“I had to save you, Bash,” I say as my eyes close.
“Baby,” he says desperately. “You are not allowed to leave me.”
“Not by choice,” I say weakly. “Are you going to save me? Turn me?” My heart will break if I can’t be with Bash forever.
“Yes to both. Baby, stay with me.”
“Bash, we have to get her out of here,” Ryker says.
“Holy shit,” Bishop says.
“Bash,” Ryker says again.
“Take him to the warehouse, Bishop,” Bash says roughly. “Do not leave him alone. Ryker, I need you with me. I need you to get me lots of blood.”
“I’ll take care of it,” Bishop responds.
“Leave him for me,” Bash says, his voice deadly.
Bash lifts me and starts walking. “Hold on, baby. I’ll make everything better.”
“Okay,” I mumble. I lay my head on his chest. A smile tugs at my lips, happy to be in the arms of my vampire. “Love you,” I whisper before my body goes limp.