Page 99 of Saving Her Vampire
“Of course,” she answers, frowning.
“I killed him,” I blurt out. They blink. “I went to school with him. You didn’t tell me that he looked so different.”
“Everyone changes when they grow up,” she defends. “Did he deserve it?”
“Of course he did. She wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t,” Dad scoffs.
It’s my turn to blink. “Well, Sammy changed into a killer. He has been killing women for years. He fixated on me and held me against my will in his creepy basement.” She gasps and covers her mouth. Dad furrows his brow. “Bash found me, but the damage had been done. Sammy interrupted the rescue and was going to shoot Bash, so I took the bullet.”
“Why?” Dad says. “He’s a vampire and would heal.”
“Doesn’t matter. I did, and Bash turned me so I wouldn’t die.” I scowl.
“Did you plan to accept the bond anyway?” she asks.
“Yes,” I say.
“Did you have doubts?” She comes to sit beside me.
“No, Bash did.”
“He said that?”
“Not in so many words. He wanted to make sure I wanted this life.”
“Are you happy with him?” she asks, grabbing my hands.
“I am,” I say quietly.
“It was meant to be,” Dad says seriously.
“Yes.” I smile shakily. I haven’t processed everything that has happened. “I just have to convince him, after I get used to my parents being spies,” I say dryly, smirking.
Chapter Twenty-Five
I shut the door after my parents, shaking my head. Mind blown. I lean back on the door flashing through my childhood, looking for any clues that should have given them away. With my memory, there should be something that I missed or ignored. I was trapped in my misery, though, so I didn’t look hard enough. Our lives ran parallel to each other, neither knowing how similar our work was. My Mom’s office to ‘play games’ makes perfect sense now.
I shared with them my job with Quinn and the satisfaction I received from it. I didn’t want to worry them, so I never told them before. I guess it works both ways.
I need to check in with Quinn and find out if I still have a job. I liked it too much to give it up entirely, plus it would work well with Bash’s work. Maybe, he would let me help him. It’s an intriguing thought. It would be super cool to dress in matching outfits. He probably wouldn’t go for that.
I push off the door and go upstairs. Bash has been quiet and didn’t come down the rest of the time my parents were here.
He is standing in front of the window, staring out. He doesn’t turn when I come in, nor when I slip beside him. He’s so still. He hasn’t been this removed from the present since first meeting him.
I lean my head against his arm. “What’s wrong?” I ask.
He sighs, “I met my friend, Micah Foster, when I was newly turned. I was wild and wicked all the time. Ryker did his best to corral me when I went too far, but he couldn’t stay awake all the time. I was having a horrible night and couldn’t seem to get the bloodlust under control. I had been a vampire for a week and was driving Ryker crazy. I had shoved away so many of the emotions tied to my childhood that the intensity that comes with being a vampire brought them all to the surface. I snuck out, leaving Ryker sleeping, and walked the streets. I don’t know what I was looking for or even what I wanted to find, but I craved everything.
“I came upon a young woman. She looked like she was living on the streets, dirty and skinny. I followed her. Her dress was too long and dragged in the dirt. Her hair was ratty and unwashed. When she lifted her dress to step over a puddle, she had no shoes. I didn’t feel sorry for her or want to help her. The only thought going through my brain over and over was to drink from her. I wasn’t picky then.
“I waited until we were away from any buildings and jumped.” He closes his eyes. “I still remember the scream that came from her. I viciously tore into her throat, not caring that it wouldn’t heal well with the amount of damage I was doing. I didn’t know when to stop. I wanted it all and didn’t care. She fought at first, but with my strength, it was useless. When her body began to give up, and her blood was being sucked out, Micah found me. He was a beast of a man. He was tall, with a beard down to his waist and a fierce expression. He pushed me away and pinned me with his glare. He took care of the woman, and got her to a doctor. I have no idea if she healed well or what happened to her.
“He was certainly pissed at me. I begged him to help me get back to Ryker and explained why I did what I did. He was cynical at first, but the more I spoke, he relaxed. We went back to the room to see Ryker, and he confirmed all I said. We stayed up the rest of the night, talking and sharing stories. Micah hadn’t seen many other vampires and was grateful for the company of our kind. We traveled together for a while, depending on each other for protection and companionship.
“It was years later when Micah decided to go his own way. He wanted to find a life for himself, and Ryker wanted to find more of our kind and join together. Micah didn’t do large groups. We parted on good terms and stayed in touch. He was the one that introduced me to your parents, who I thought was a faceless vampire, not an older couple that could be on a poster for good people. We don’t check in regularly, but often enough. I just got off the phone with him. He finally answered my call after the fifth time in a row. He insists that he is fine, but something is off. He doesn’t sound like himself.