Page 111 of Mine to Share
“Sure, of course I’ll come to you. Just text me the address and I’ll swing by on my way to the station.”
“Great, wow, okay. Thank you so much, Dr. Evans. I didn’t know who else to call, and I really could use some help right about now.”
“Not a problem. I’ll see you soon.”
After disconnecting the call, I tapped the side of the device against my palm. I needed to let Slade and Jameson know I would be later than expected, but I also didn’t want to break the detective’s trust. She’d called me, wanted to talk to me for a reason, and she sounded scared. The last thing I wanted was for her to be embarrassed because her moment of weakness, needing someone to talk to, was broadcasted to another detective.
Opening our group text, I shot them both a quick message and hurried into the house.
Looked like my relaxing morning was officially over.
“You know she’s holding something back, right?” I said while reading the report from victim number six’s crime scene for the hundredth time.
“She was held at gunpoint by the man she used to love in a space she’s always felt safe.” Slade rolled his eyes and tossed the file folder to his desk. “I can’t focus on anything while we’re waiting for those results. I have a stack of ten other cases I need to be working on, but this one is consuming me.”
“Same, but it’s my only job while I’m here, so I have zero guilt about being single-minded.” I waited a beat before shifting the conversation in a different direction. One we absolutely needed to discuss. “I think the move would be good for her. Especially after what happened a few days ago.”
I studied his face to read his reaction. Knowing Slade, he would want what was best for Rain, and going to Dallas and taking a job with the FBI was the best thing for her if she wanted the position. But the dumbass wouldn’t come out and tell her how he felt about the news and what that meant for them. I knew he thought he was doing right by her by not putting his thoughts and feelings into the mix to sway her decision, but him not fucking communicating was doing just that, even if he didn’t realize it.
“You need to tell her how you feel about her and the job offer,” I urged.
“I did. This morning.”
I leaned forward, resting my chin on my hand, elbow pressed to the top of his desk. “Oh really? And when was that?”
“Before I walked out.”
“And what exactly did you say?”
His green eyes slid my way and narrowed. “I said ‘love you.’”
My elbow slipped off the edge of the desk, head plummeting several inches before I caught myself. “You said ‘love you,’ casual as fuck, and what, just walked away to come to the office?”
Clearly, I would be the communicator in our little trio.
“Okay, Romeo. Listen up, and I mean this in the best way possible. I mean it, all the love, but you’re a fucking idiot.”
“Why am I an idiot?” He tossed both hands in the air in exasperation. “I communicated how I felt like you’ve harped on me about and—”
I held up a hand, cutting him off, when Charlie’s name flashed on my cell phone.
“Would you randomly drop the L-word to your girl and then walk away?” I asked Charlie, smug as fuck, knowing he would be in my corner on this.
“Pretty sure I was bleeding out after saving Rhyan’s life when I told her. Though truth be told, my memory is foggy considering I was minutes away from dying.”
Well, fuck.“Oh.”
“Are you ready for me to drop a fucking bomb on you? The reason I called?”
“Give us a second,” I said and inclined my head toward the hallway. “We need to get to Rain’s office where we have some privacy, and I’ll put you on speakerphone.”
“How’s Rain doing? Do you think she’ll take Rhyan’s offer?”