Page 38 of Mine to Share
“Thanks,” I grumbled, snatching the brown bag with a grease stain already darkening the bottom from her hand.
“Did you get all that work done last night?” Jameson asked, a single brow raised.
Ignoring his question, knowing he saw through my reasons to bail last night, I turned and followed Rain toward her office. The keys jingled in her hand as she shoved one into the lock and twisted.
“Everything go okay last night with you two?” I asked, eyes on Rain’s ass that looked amazing in her black cigarette pants. They were one of my favorite pairs on her. They molded around her firm backside and made her legs look miles long.
“Yep, we ate pizza, had a pillow fight, then braided each other’s hair before writing in our diaries.”
I shot Jameson the bird and plopped down on the couch.
“It was fine,” Rain stated, a deep crimson blush rushing to her cheeks. Flicking a nervous glance at me, then Jameson, she lowered her head to dig inside her purse, dark hair falling in a curtain to hide her face.
I looked to Jameson, who hid a knowing smirk behind a to-go coffee cup.
What the fuck is that all about?
Damnit. Did they fuck?
The second that thought flashed through my mind, I expected jealousy to spike, heat filling my veins and heart ramming against my chest the way it always did when I thought about another man with Rain. My Rain.
But it didn’t.
“You want a coffee, Slade?”
“Yes,” I breathed. “I finished the cup I brought from home while I waited for you two.”
“That was my fault,” Rain admitted with a cringe. “I fell asleep on the couch, which I never do, and woke up late.” Her hands stilled on the coffee machine, her gaze going glassy. With a firm shake of her head, she cleared her throat. “Won’t happen again.”
“I’ll make sure you get into bed at a decent time tonight,” Jameson offered with a wink. Rain’s eyes went wide before darting back to the task at hand. “Maybe Slade could join.” The round coffee pod Rain was busy putting into the machine slipped from her fingers and clattered to the ground. “You know, to brainstorm, of course.”
With jerky movements, Rain picked up the dropped pod. “Sure, yeah. That sounds good. All of us together.” Her laugh was strained. “At my place.”
It was damn clear that I was missing something. I narrowed my eyes at Jameson, but he just offered a shrug and kept drinking his damn coffee. Looking between me and Rain, he shot me a wink and shoved off the wall. When he passed by Rain, headed for the back of the office, he brushed against her with a whispered apology. Rain stiffened, but it was the flush that crept along her cheeks and down her neck that had me swallowing a shout for him to stop making her uncomfortable.
Her fair skin darkened the same way yesterday, with my hand wrapped around her throat and my cock digging between her shoulder blades.
So, either she was uncomfortable then and now, or…
Orwas a dangerous thought.
“Here,” Rain said, now standing beside me with a steaming mug in her outstretched hands. She looked at the paper sack I’d tossed on the side table and completely forgotten about. “Are you not going to eat it?”
In my prime, I could outrun most men even half my size. But that speed didn’t hold a candle to how fucking fast I swiped the bag off the table and ripped it open. The disgusting grease trap was in my mouth before she blinked.
“Yum,” I said, slowly dying inside. But seeing her smile soften and stretch across her face made the nausea worth it. “Thank you. I feel better already.”
“What hurts so bad that you have to take so many pills a day?” she questioned, crossing both arms over her chest. I darted my eyes to the side to not watch how that move pushed her tits together.
I huffed around the last bite of the sausage and egg biscuit. “What doesn’t?”
“It’s not good, you know. For your stomach, liver”—she waved a hand, gesturing to my chest—“everything. That medicine isn’t intended for daily maximum dosage usage.”
“I don’t use the maximum,” I grumbled. At her narrowed eyes, I rolled mine. “I go slightly over. I’m a big guy. I can handle it.”
“Slade,” she admonished, pushing at my arm. And apparently, I was thirteen again because I totally flexed. “That’s terrible.”