Page 85 of Mine to Share
I stared at the beer bottle, swiping the cold drops of condensation as they worked their way down the brown glass. “Yeah. He made me believe in myself again.” I peeked up through my lashes. “And then there’s you. I feel safe with you, like nothing can hurt me if you’re around. You make the weight of doing all this, doing everything on my own, not feel so fucking heavy. Even when you were still grumpy Detective Taylor.” Slade snorted and took a sip of his whiskey. “I knew I could count on you. I don’t have that in my life, outside of my parents. And you being you made me feel cared for and not so invisible, I guess.”
“You’ve never been invisible to me,” Slade rasped. “Not one day has gone by since I met you that I didn’t want to see you, to see you smile or laugh or hear you rattle off some random-ass thought.”
“Well, you know you’d always get that last one with me,” I laughed.
“Rain.” The beer bottle hovered just over my lips. My stomach dipped at the heaviness of his tone. “I don’t think I can do this with you.” I stopped breathing, and my heart dropped to my stomach. “Not if it’s something you only want for just a fun fuck or while Jameson is here.”
“I don’t understand,” I whispered. The bottom of the glass thumped to the wooden table. “You do or don’t want me?”
His green eyes locked with mine. “I want you so fucking much that I know if I have you once, I’ll never let you go.”
“Oh.” Dumbest response ever to the hottest, most possessive and perfect statement. “Why do you think I would want you to let me go? Look at you, Slade. You’re famous, rich, hotter than the seventh circle of hell, and can have any woman you want. I should be the one worried about that.”
So why wasn’t I? Why hadn’t I worked up at least five worst-case scenarios for how all this was a terrible decision and I’d end up mortified or dead at the end? Even now, sitting with Slade, my thoughts didn’t wander.
It was them. It had to be them keeping me from spinning out of control and anchored in the present.
“I don’t want any woman. I want you.”Swoon.“But only if you can see this being more. I’m past all the one-night stands and quick fucks, Rain. I want more with you. I’m not saying I’ll turn you down if that’s all you want from me, but don’t expect me to let go easily when you toss me aside.”
“Slade.” I reached over and gripped his wrist. “Why would I do that?”
This was crazy. This amazing man was worried thatI’dbe the one who wouldn’t wanthim. Did he ever look in the mirror or see the heads turn anytime he walked by? Because I sure as hell did.
“I’m over ten years older than you,” he said through gritted teeth.
“I’m aware, considering I might have done a little stalking when we first met. Nothing too deep, just dating back to when you were born.” He offered me a half smile. “I’m okay with the age difference.”
“I can barely walk in the mornings. My body is used the fuck up and—”
“Still looks fucking climbable.”
“What?” he chuckled.
“Just saying. For someone like me, who’s all legs and arms, your size is an enormous turn-on. I can run and jump on you like a flying squirrel, and you won’t fall down.”
“That’s oddly specific. Thought about that a lot?”
“You have no idea,” I muttered into the beer bottle. “It seems you’re only focusing on the things that could turn me off from us. How about I tell you what makes mewanta relationship with you?” He nodded in agreement, though it was slow and unsure. “You understand all aspects of my job. You don’t make me feel creepy about what I do or zone out when I ramble about my dead bodies.” His lips curved at the corners, and I snorted. “Or think it’s strange when I claim the dead bodies as my own. You realize the long hours I have to put in, recognize I’m independent but still do things for me without me having to ask. You just do it because you’re always putting my needs first. And I’m not saying all this because of the past few days. You’ve shown bits and pieces of the amazing man you are over the past year. I see you—the real you. I just hope I can offer you, and Jameson, something in all this.”
“You being you is all we need,” Slade whispered. Glass edge to his lips, he tipped it back, draining the remaining liquid before setting it down on the table.
“I’m pretty sure I’m getting the better end of this deal,” I admitted, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “I meant to ask you earlier. How close are we to the ocean? Every now and then I feel like I can hear waves.”
“Very close. There’s a spot I know that’s hardly ever crowded that the three of us can check out.”
A wide smile split my face. As if hearing me talk, a powerful gust of salt-laced cool air whipped around the backyard, causing a chill to slip down my spine. I pulled the cover-up tighter around my body to fight the cold.
“Come on.” Pushing off the chair’s armrests, he stood, rounded the table, and held out a hand to help me up.
I eagerly slipped my palm against his, shivering at the way his massive hand engulfed mine. “What about Jameson? Should we wake him up and bring him inside too?”
“We could, but we’re not going inside,” Slade tossed over his shoulder, leading me past the outdoor furniture. He inclined his head toward the spa that pushed a waterfall over into the main pool. “Care to join me? The heat helps my muscles and moving the next day a little easier.”
“I would’ve said yes without the additional therapeutic benefit,” I said with a huffed chuckle. “But add that into the mix and of course I’ll join you.”
With gentle hands, he helped me out of the cover-up, draping it over the back of a nearby chair. Keeping a steady hold, Slade assisted me over the knee-high stone ledge. The steaming water caused a prickling sensation everywhere it caressed as I slowly eased myself into the spa. With a sigh, I leaned back, resting my head on the edge.
I tracked Slade as he grabbed two dry towels off the rack and dropped them onto a chair. With zero flare or teasing, he hooked both thumbs into the waistband of his loose shorts and tugged them down. The black cloth pooled at his feet. I nearly swallowed my tongue as I took in the oh-so-short black swim trunks that fit snugly around every thick inch of his legs and… well, everywhere.