Page 97 of Mine to Share
Without my consent, a dark tidal wave consumed me. Fully sated, happy, and most of all, loved, I fell asleep with a smile on my lips.
Careful to not jostle the sleeping giant beside me, I inched out from under the soft, warm sheets and tiptoed out of the room without making a sound. Far enough away from the room to not wake Slade, I released my held breath and dropped my shoulders from around my ears. He wouldn’t care if I did accidentally wake him up, but the man worked his ass off and needed the extra sleep. Especially since it was technically our day off.
Not that my early-morning-loving brain cared.
If I could sleep in like normal people, I would, but my internal alarm clock went off at five every morning no matter the day. My body didn’t care that it was my day off, too, and I could stay in bed until lunch if I wanted. But I was fine with it today, considering there was a very important body waiting for me at the morgue.
If what Jameson suspected was true, the man murdered last night was victim number six for our serial killer. Getting to the office and literally picking up any and all clues from the man’s clothes and body could offer the break in the case we needed.
Pausing in front of the room I shared with Jameson, I pressed an ear to the thin opening. Soft snores poured through, signaling he was sound asleep like his friend in the other room. I nudged the door open with a single finger and poked my head inside. Legs tangled in the disheveled sheet, Jameson lay sprawled on the bed like a starfish, arms and legs going in different directions.
A very naked and apparently dreaming happy dreams starfish.
I had the urge to crawl in beside him, snuggle him close, and put that very awake part of him to use. Squeezing my eyes shut, I forced my feet to not carry me toward the bed. Not this morning, even if now the sated and sleepy parts of me were wide awake, too, and ready to play.
I couldn’t play today. One of Jameson’s early requirements when we started all this was to not get distracted from the case. And I wouldn’t, even with the tempting scene in front of me.
The body at the morgue could hold keys to the case we desperately needed, and I wouldn’t be the reason progress slowed.
After finding a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and a T-shirt in the shopping bags I had yet to unpack, I slipped into the bathroom to shower and change. Since it was technically my day off, comfortable was okay; my normal business casual attire wasn’t required.
Before opening the bathroom door, I flicked off the lights, then tiptoed toward the hallway door.
“Hey,” Jameson grumbled, voice deep with sleep, stopping my sneaky retreat. “What are you doing?”
“Go back to sleep,” I whispered, changing direction and perching on the edge of the bed beside him. He was disheveled and oh so cute in the mornings. I pushed some wild hair away from his forehead with a soft smile. “I’m going up to the morgue for a little while. I’ll be back before you and Slade even know I’m gone.”
Eyes still closed, he rolled his head along the pillow. “I don’t want you going alone. Not safe. I’ll come with you.”
My lips curled, broadening my smile. He was too adorable for words. “No, stay here and get some sleep. You need it.”
“So do you,” he pouted.
Oh my goodness, grumpy morning Jameson was tearing down all my defenses. One more pouty lip and I would dive into bed with him, completely ignoring my responsibilities and the case.
“Go back to sleep. When I come back, I’ll bring breakfast—as in actual food, not the nasty grass concoction Slade drinks.”
“You sure?” I swallowed a laugh at the hope lifting his tone. Jameson and I agreed when it came to food and eating. “I can be ready in—”
“I won’t be gone long. Promise. I won’t start the autopsy, just process his clothes for trace evidence. That way, if I find anything, it’ll be on its way for analysis at the lab in San Diego today.” As natural as breathing, I leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his soft lips. “I’ll be back soon.”
He grumbled more protests, but by the time I closed the door behind me, I was fairly certain he was back asleep.
Grabbing my handbag and keys, I deactivated the alarm by the front door and headed out, already plotting my route to work. I needed important things on the way: first, my yummy unicorn drink and maybe a donut.
Or two.
It was my day off, after all.
* * *
Sugary,icy goodness in hand and two donuts fueling me, I hummed, lips wrapped around the wide straw as I practically skipped down the hall toward the morgue. Most of the lights were still off; no one was here at the insanely early hour but me, which was perfect. I worked best alone, in the quiet, with no one to disturb me except for my own random thoughts.
My steps slowed to a stop.