Page 60 of At the Crossroads
“I called in a few favors to get that done.” Color has flooded back into his cheeks, thank God. “Where is this threat coming from?” Now he’s recovered, Dad’s like a dog with a bone.
“The man imprisoned for the bombing has escaped and there are some indications that he might seek revenge.”
“After ten years?” Les sounds incredulous.
“Why are you astonished? People have long memories. Especially if they have been sitting in a maximum-security prison. Wouldn’t you spend your time thinking of ways to strike back at the people who put you there?”
“Go on, Max. What indications?”
“Mentions of my code name, a suspicious package…”
“How worried do we need to be? Could the family be a target?”
I shrug. “Maybe… I don’t know.”
“Max is getting as much protection as is possible,” JL tells him. “Any whispers of terrorist activity are being followed up.” He shrugs. “It’s all that can be done.”
As we walk out of the Wolseley, a limo pulls up. The chauffeur opens the door with a flourish.
We all open our mouths to ask what’s happening, but Frank gets in first. “Where are we going?”
Before Dad can reply, Ian breaks in. “Nowhere. At least I’m not. I have to go into the office.”
Dad snaps, “Not today, boy. Check your messages. I think you’ll find your boss has given you the day off so you can spend the day with your old dad.” He reminds me of an aged fox. “And in answer to your question, Frank, Highgate Golf Club.” Satisfaction oozes out of Dad as he makes this pronouncement. “Noel Green, an old pal of mine, is a member. We can easily play a round before the party.”
I’ve never had much time for golf and don’t play a lot, but the rest of the family does. Frank and Ian are scratch golfers, Dad’s handicap is around eight, and Les and I are around twelve. If Adrian is a member, I’m guessing he is very good on this course or spends a lot of time in the bar with pals. Maybe both.
Sitting back in the luxury vehicle, I have another question. “We can rent clubs and shoes, yes?”
“Of course,” Dad huffs. “Noel is treating us all as my birthday present. All mod cons.”
I lean back against the butter-soft leather seat and breathe a sigh of relief. At least that will end the discussion on terrorist threats.
* * *
After breakfast at the Club, we walk up South Audley Street to the Connaught Hotel, home to the Aman Spa. I try to hang back with Diana, but Viktoria and Meggy surround me, each slipping an arm into mine.
“Did you celebrate Max’s birthday already?” Viktoria quizzes me.
“Just after midnight. I knew he didn’t want to move the focus from Brian.” I wince as she squeezes my arm.
Meggy chuckles. “Max has always been sensitive about sharing a birthday with Dad. But we’re going to surprise him this year.”
I hope they aren’t planning to make tonight a joint party. Max would be furious.
Viktoria must be able to read my mind. “Don’t worry. Not a peep about his natal day tonight.”
I relax fractionally. “Will there be gifts? I already gave Max his gift.”
Diana calls from behind, “We’re going to have a family party at Grant House.”
“No overshadowing, stepping on toes, or anything,” Liz adds.
“There has been a change of venue. But not to worry, Cress. There will be plenty of gifts for him to open when we are in Scotland.” Viktoria’s smile is mischievous.
I expect her to ask me what I gave him. But she doesn’t. Then again, she probably figures he’ll tell everyone, eventually.