Page 62 of At the Crossroads
“Max doesn’t let people in. Except family. And his friend, JL. He’s very private. But I can tell you are special to him. And I don’t want you to break his heart.”
Where is this coming from? If anyone is likely to get their heart broken, it’s me.
“Promise me, if you decide to end things, you will be gentle with him.”
End things. I sit up and the stones crash to the floor. I try to push my fingers into my hair, forgetting it’s all wrapped up in a turban. “End things? I-I-I…”
The door slams open and a therapist rushes in. She stares, openmouthed, at the flat rocks lying cracked on the floor. “What is happening here?”
She calls the other masseuse and they clean up the mess, make sure there is no damage to the floor, and resettle me with new heated stones. Meanwhile, Viktoria has been apologizing profusely, promising to pay for any damage.
Silence descends on the room. My mind is whirling and I don’t have any idea of how to restart conversation with this woman.
“Cress?” Her soft call is barely audible.
“What is it, Viktoria?” I try to keep my voice level, even though I feel shattered.
“I shouldn’t have questioned your feelings for Max.”
No, I think.You shouldn’t have.But now the damage is done.
“I just want you to know Brian and I already love you like a daughter, and Max isn’t the only one who would be broken if things don’t work out.”
A wave of longing, mixed with sadness washes over me. “I love him,” I tell her. “I love him so much. I just worry he will eventually decide he can do better.”
She cackles. “Max sees you as the moon and the stars in the midnight sky. He doesn’t give his heart lightly. You are his best and he won’t be searching for better.”
Tightness in my chest gives way to relief, just as the therapists return to pummel our muscles into submission.
Once we are polished, wrapped, and rejuvenated, Viktoria draws me into a hug. “Welcome to the family.”
“We aren’t even engaged.”
She disregards my protest. “Doesn’t matter. Max adores you. Brian and I love you. All the kids think you are the best thing that has ever happened to their brother.” She’s grinning from ear to ear. “Maybe you marry, maybe just live together. But you are a couple in an enduring relationship. So you are family.”
She hugs me again and, arm in arm, we rejoin the others in the lounge. Everyone is glowing and relaxed, as we’re each handed a shopping bag filled with products used in our individual treatments.
“Are we going back to the club?” I can’t remember if there was anything else on the agenda besides the party.
Meggy shakes her head. “Of course not. We still need mani-pedis and a slap-up tea. The party isn’t until eight, so we need some nourishment to hold us over since we missed lunch.”
Mani-pedis. I suppress a groan.
Like everything else at the Connaught, tea is as luxurious as we expect and, relaxed from three hours of spa treatments, we fall on the sandwiches, scones, and pastries like ravening vixens. As dinner is at least five hours from now, no one worries about being too full for later.
“Besides…” Meggy gestures with the scone in her hand. “We’ll be so busy schmoozing with the guests that we probably won’t have much chance to eat.”
“Schmoozing!” Viktoria exclaims. “You didn’t pick up it at home, or at the palace.”
Dismissive, Meggy retorts, “I’m forty-five years old, Mamoushka. I can use any words I like—as long as I’m not speaking to the royal family. Anyway, I picked it up from an American friend.”
Viktoria glares at me. I hold up my hands, proclaiming my innocence. “Friends don’t lead friends down the path of slang,” I tell her while trying to keep a straight face.
Awash, Diana groans that she needs the toilet. She moves off decisively, and we all follow like lemmings, hoping enough stalls are available.
We are waiting in the lounge when Diana finally emerges, grumbling over the inconvenience of pregnancy. Donning our coats, we set off toward Green Park. “I have manicurists coming to the Club to do mani-pedis for us as the last stage. We shall all be the embodiment of shining perfection.” Viktoria makes this pronouncement with a conspicuous air of satisfaction.
Liz sidles up next to me. “I’ve noticed you don’t really wear makeup, Cress.”