Page 128 of At the Ready
Micki frowns. “I was hired by the GSU Foundation, Rebecca.”
“Of course. So, Mr. Brandon is now your boss.” Rebecca is playing her role well. She can’t afford to be seen as being on our side.
“Not at all,” Clay breaks in smoothly. “I have no influence with the Foundation. It was set up to be an administratively separate entity from the corporation.”
“But your wife is the director?” Tyler Miller’s belligerent posture is more laughable than intimidating.
“True, but if you knew Kath, you’d know she makes her own decisions. I wouldn’t dream of interfering.”
I focus back on Lanscombe and stare at the beads of sweat popping out on his forehead. “This is not about the firm or the adequacy of Ms. Press’ separation from your firm. It’s about the damage your son has caused to Ms. Press and her family.” By the time I finish, the droplets have turned into a rivulet, running down the side of that prominent nose.
Face turning beet red, Fred Lanscombe looks like he might have a stroke. “Baseless charges. I will restore my son’s reputation and have this woman”—he shakes a finger at Micki—“arrested for entrapment.”
Micki bangs her fist against the mahogany tabletop. “If you call hitting me in the eye, sponging off me for years claiming he had no money, tearing down my feelings of self-worth, stalking, sending abusive texts, making abusive phone calls…” She runs out of breath, but recovers before he can get a word in. “Not to mention throwing a grenade through my parents’ window and setting their house on fire.” Her hand waves as she tries to fan herself. “I’m sure I’ll remember more when I give my deposition.”
“You lying little—”
I try to cut him off before he can continue, but Micki is in a take-no-prisoners mood and yells over both of us. “Shooting at Dr. Brandon’s plane when it was transferring Mr. Martin’s mother here from a hospital in Vancouver was heinous.”
Fred looks around wildly at his colleagues, but none of them meet his gaze. “We’ll sue you for defamation, Micki. No jury will convict Sam of a crime..”
“That is for the criminal justice system to decide. Personally, I think you overestimate your leverage.” I give Micki a thumbs-up and a wink.
If looks could kill, I’d be dead.
“However, there is also the question of a civil suit. Ms. Press is planning to sue you and your son for damages of…” I pretend I don’t remember the amount we discussed. “Micki, how much are you asking for?”
She levels a cool look at her former boss. “Not that much. Ten million seems about right.”
Lanscombe sputters like boiling fat. “Ten million. Ridiculous.”
“If you want to settle out of court, I’ll give you the name of my lawyer.” Micki collects her coat from the rack. “Thanks for lunch, Clay.” Then she sashays out the door.
* * *
My feet want to fly, but I force myself to maintain a stately pace. My stomach flutters, like I’ve swallowed a swirl of autumn leaves.. Fierce, angry conversation drifts out from the conference room, so I hurry to the elevator and jab the up button. The lawyers will be out of there in a minute, and I don’t want to run into any of them. From the glares of his partners, the Devil will get his due. Forced retirement would not surprise me. I’ll bet he gets a golden parachute when he goes. It might pay for the lawsuit.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rebecca edge out the door, just as the elevator opens.
“Micki, Micki, wait.” I hold the door and she rushes up to give me a hug. “I’ll call you so we can have a celebratory drink. By the way, all your digging helped find what Greenberg is really hiding.”
“Something bigger than the possible financial malfeasance?”
“Much bigger. He’s hiding a bigamous marriage and an illegitimate child. Not a good look for a wannabe senator.”
“Is he going to be outed?” I know the firm can’t do anything, but leaks happen.
“I’ve heard he has a couple of disgruntled aides, so it’s possible.”
As the saying goes, watch out or karma will bite you in the ass. Chuckling, I take the elevator to the eighth floor and join my parents, Cress, and Kath. JL’s mom is at the creche, but we’ll all be together for dinner later.
Mom meets me and gives me a hug. “Love you, sweetie.” We link arms and walk down to the arched windows that overlook Michigan Avenue, where Dad and Cress have taken over a leather couch and one of two facing club chairs. She reads something on her phone. He taps his toe against the underside of the low table in front of the couch.
Out in the hall, a group chatters, their voices getting more distinct as they near the door. Clay strides through, followed by JL and Max. No Elena. Probably went back to the office or home. I wonder if she felt uncomfortable taking part in that charade?
When he sees Kath at the other end of the room, Clay’s steps quicken. He swings her around, laughing, as he tells her what happened. “Should have seen his expression when Micki walked in.”