Page 29 of At the Ready
When I say nothing, she wheedles, “You have nothing in your place to eat, so you might as well accept.”
My voice sounds too mouselike for comfort. “Tutoring and dinner. Max is paying, right?”
Cress laughs. “He’ll pick up the tab. We’re going to Brindille.”
I withhold a groan. What I don’t need is a romantic restaurant where I will be a third wheel.
“Put on a nice outfit and meet me at the State Street entrance to Harold Washington library at four forty-five. Be there or be square.”
“Max is rubbing off on you.” I end the call.
After bathing my eyes in cold water, I emerge from my lair and walk into the living room. JL sits on the couch, laptop open on the coffee table. He frowns at the screen but looks up when he hears my footsteps on the terrazzo floor of the kitchen.
“Sleeping Beauty.” He narrows his eyes as he looks me over. “Are you hungry? You look pale and interesting, but I’d rather see you happy and satisfied.”
“You look grouchy.”
“Just some work complications. We have a minor problem with a client in Hong Kong.”
“Will you have to go there?”
His eyes widen in surprise. “No way. I have clients to meet in London next week. Someone from the Tokyo office will take care of it. Warn the client, if he continues to ignore our advice, two things will happen. One is we will end the contract, and the other is he will probably be dead.”
“And your expected result?”
“He’s heir apparent to the family company. I expect his father will bring him into line. We can’t protect people who evade us and take dangerous steps.”
His warning tone seems aimed at me as well. I wince.
His voice warms. “I brought some food from Portillo’s. Would you like some?”
“What is it?”
“Ribs, onion rings, and chocolate cake. I can reheat the ribs and rings. You can eat the cake while everything warms up.”
“When in doubt, eat dessert first. Perfect.”
I curl up in an armchair and watch him come toward me with a gigantic piece of cake, a fork, and a couple of paper napkins. “Tuck into this and I’ll reheat the rest.” He moves toward the kitchen.
“Thanks. But don’t bother with the rest. I’m going out to dinner with Cress and Max.” He turns back, eyelashes at half-mast, hooding his eyes and signaling disappointment. Since the space is open, I can watch him move purposefully toward me, his thigh muscles bulging under snug slacks. When he sees me staring, he gives me a salute.
“What are your plans before dinner, ma chouette?”
“I’m your bodyguard until Case shows up tomorrow. Wherever you go, I go too.”
“Meeting Cress at the library at four forty-five,” I mutter. The way I feel right now, I both welcome JL’s hovering presence and resent it. Why can’t life be uncomplicated and fun?
He’s standing so close I can feel his breath. “What?”
“Meeting Cress.” I enunciate, slow and loud.
“Parfait. And we leave when?”
“Around four thirty.”
He takes the now empty plate from me and hands me a glass of water. My spine tingles as our hands brush. I try to distract myself with a sip of water. The shock of icy liquid briefly blocks out the unwanted feelings that keep rising.