Page 121 of Desire
Stuck in my head, my eyes still roam over the facility as I walk. Inmates are chatting, working in the computer labs, headed to classes. Even though this is a less than ideal situation, they’re still thriving and moving toward the end goal of working in the field.
It’s true that Section B moves faster through their program, but it’s because there’s more need for them. The job is dangerous, and sex work puts them in a vulnerable state. There are several different pods of instructors for the section, but Ayden, Sidney, and Andrya are the best. It’s why they oversee the program as well.
The assets in Sections A and C can be in training for as long as a year or two, as it’s more intensive. The intelligence assets learn weapons as well as how to read people, integrate themselves into any society, and how to be easily forgotten. Section A is the computer support system and in charge of new identities, breaking into security systems, and getting the most up to date information.
When these three programs work together, everything works seamlessly. It’s why Section B is so secretive about the abuse they undergo, and what they actually do. It’s not until they’re out in the field that all of this comes to light, and by then it’s too late for any cries of outrage to happen.
“Warden! Can I get a moment of your time?” calls out a voice. It’s Mrs. Grateton, the facility’s bookkeeper.
Taking a deep breath, I turn to face her with a smile. “Of course, how can I help?” I ask her.
She looks a little worried, and it makes me take a step closer.
“I just got a call from one of the Queen’s auditors,” she says softly. “They just halved our funding, and want us to find a way to release more assets into the field. I explained to them that we were in training, but…”
Nodding, I move to reassure her, already planning to go see Ayden. We need to find a way to make extra money. Isaac already takes jobs outside of the facility for his own needs, and to send money to his parents. Maybe we can all quietly do the same with our other hacker instructors. This is what happens when I lose my temper.
“We have some people in Sections A and C that can graduate, but Section B is locked into training for at least another four months. I don’t want to release them just to die. That’s incredibly wasteful and irresponsible,” I explain to her.
Mrs. Grateton nods quickly. “Yes, yes. I don’t want to be the reason we send those people to their deaths,” she whispers. “It’s just… that’s so much money!”
“I know, Mrs. Grateton, but you know we already serve all of our own fruits and vegetables in our meals from the greenhouse. We have unused space that we can plant more, so we’ll be able to exclusively sustain ourselves this way. If being vegetarian is the way we need to go for a bit, it’s not the end of the world. It’s a shame it’s going to be too cold for us to expand into buying some chickens and cows, but I will look into it,” I placate her.
Looking at me as if I hung the sun and the moon, she hugs me. Rubbing her back, I shake my head. “The Queen’s favor is fickle,” I remind her softly. “I always attempt to plan ahead.”
Visibly shaking, she nods. “You truly are the best person for this job, Warden. It happened so quickly, I’m completely thrown,” she whispers.
“I expect that it’s going to get a little rocky for a while. Let me go see how I can make this transition as painless as possible,” I murmur.
Leaving her, I’m almost surprised more people aren’t stopping me. I’ll give it time, and then need to call a staff meeting for tonight. Holton didn’t like what I had to say, but he and his slimy friends will never use my inmates as their personal cum dumpsters.
Over my dead body.
“Sidney, is Ayden in the office?” I ask, with a bit of urgency in my voice.
Curious, he changes direction to follow me.
“If you were on your way to a certain raven-haired girl, don’t break your appointment with her,” I warn. I can manage this latest crisis, but Silla is still feeling sensitive. Isaac still can’t get her to forgive him.
“No, I was going to the gym to torture some assets,” he grins. Noticing he’s in gym clothes, I nod. The man has to get his sadistic tendencies out somehow. Pushing everyone in the gym while he’s there is one way.
“In that case,” I chuckle. “Feel free to tag along. I have an issue I need to talk to Ayden about.”
“This sounds ominous,” Sidney mutters as he walks with me. He’s not wrong.
I pass Andrya as well, jutting my jaw toward their office as we walk. Brow furrowed, she follows us.
“Not to be cliche or anything, but please close the door behind you, Andrya,” I murmur as we file inside.
“Shit, you’re firing us, aren’t you?” she whispers as she pales and I shake my head.
“My apologies. I know what it looks like, but I really just need the three of you together for this,” I explain once the door is closed. “The Queen has pulled our funding for FRC… by half.”
The twins and Sidney’s mouths drop at the news, and I sit down with a sigh.
“It’s my fault. One of the Queen’s Mission’s men, Holton, was giving me shit about buying Section B new uniforms. Except, I didn’t take that money from the royal coffers, so we have another problem,” I tell them.
“A fucking mole,” Ayden complains.