Page 13 of Desire
Zachary shrugs. “People rarely have good ones when they’re making their way here. Find things that make you happy, and you’ll get through all the shit they put you through.”
We walk together quietly for a bit, and I bask in the sounds of the wind and birds. I would think the top of the courtyard would be covered, but the building is two stories high, so it would be difficult to escape either way.
Soon, the sun disappears, and I sigh. “Thank you for this,” I say truthfully. “The lack of windows has been something to get used to.”
“I get it,” Zachary promises. “I used to plant flowers with my mother before all of this, so the first thing I craved was being outside and some kind of plant life.”
I take one more cleansing breath before I walk back inside with him. “I’m glad we have this place then.”
Zachary walks me back to my room, and I shake my head at how large this place is. “I’m going to be constantly lost, I swear,” I mutter.
“You’ll get the hang of it,” he says. “See ya around.”
Opening my door, I’m surprised to see a girl on the bed across from mine. “Hi…?” I say, stepping into my room. “Are we roommates?”
The girl is gorgeous with blonde hair, and one streak of blue through it. Looking up, I’m struck with how gorgeous her hazel eyes are. Swallowing hard, I ignore the way my cheeks heat as I drop my eyes to close the door behind me.
“We are. I’m Andrya. I’ve been here for a couple of weeks. I’ve been so bored,” she groans. “Who are you?”
She seems genuine, but I remember that not everyone is who they seem to be. “I’m Silla. This is my first day here.”
Every new quarter, Forbach Reform Camp accepts new people into its programs. The queen’s staff provides the Warden with a list of people FRC will be admitting in advance, but the pretty brunette in front of me was not on that list. I regularly sneak into his office when I can to keep up to date on all of the best gossip, and the rooms aren’t as secure as he believes they are.
Silla doesn’t meet my eyes as she climbs onto her bed with a yawn. I didn’t miss the slight warming of her cheeks before her hair slid forward to hide her face. She intrigues me, and is the perfect target for me. I love pretty, shiny, new things to twist and break, and she’s no different.
“Silla is an unusual name,” I tell her with a smile. I know from digging that it’s a nickname, but because I spend so much time in the facility, I don’t know any real world gossip about her.
Her shorts give me an incredible view of her legs, and I wonder if the person issuing her clothes did this on purpose. Silla throws one of the blankets at the end of the bed over her exposed skin, forcing me to avert my eyes.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, pulling her hair forward to start to braid it into two sections. I can tell she’s tired, and I want to know if it’s actually as soft as it looks.
“There should be hair supplies in the cabinet on the wall, inside of the closet,” I tell her, standing in a smooth motion.
Silla’s eyes follow me as I move inside of the small closet where there is a built-in cabinet with toiletries. Apparently the Warden picked her up from the jail she was in early this morning, so she hasn’t had time to explore the room.
I’m curious and would have torn apart the place already for things like cameras and places to hide shit, but I know not everyone is wired the way I am.
“There’s hair products, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and some other things in here,” I explain. I asked one of the staff members to slip extra things into her cubby, because her file intrigued me, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Besides, the women in Section B have to be well-groomed, so no one batted an eye at my request.
Pulling out a hair brush and two hair ties, I push her away from the pillow she’s reclined against. “Scoot, it’s been ages since I’ve braided anyone’s hair, but I’m willing to try,” I chuckle.
“Oh…” Silla says, confused by me, but that’s okay. I like keeping pretty girls like her on their toes.
Sidling in behind her, I stretch my legs out on either side of her. Her skin is so soft and smooth. Picking her hair up to brush it, my lips drop open slightly at the realization that her hair is even prettier than I thought.
“I like to play a game when I’m in new places,” I tell her as I braid her hair. Silla’s body is stiff initially, but the more I talk, the more relaxed she becomes between my legs. “I like to choose one good thing that happened in the day to hold onto. So if you had to choose, what would be yours?”
Selfishly, I want to be her one good moment, which is ridiculous because I just met her. I tend to get obsessed with people quickly, irrevocably, until I find all of the ways to break my toys.
Silla shifts in front of me as she thinks, and as my thumb brushes the nape of her neck, I swear I hear her inhale sharply. I didn’t miss the bandages on her wrists, but her medical records state that they’re not self-inflicted. I asked one of my hacker friends with benefits to look into her before I slipped into her room to wait for her.
A girl has needs, and he has a pierced cock that hits me just right.