Page 44 of Desire
“Yeah, they are. The Warden is going to need to see her, even though this may not get officially logged. Those three do whatever they want in the name of putting out the best recruits, and things went too far today. Will you… Can you call him and make sure he’s there when we arrive, please?” I ask.
I don’t know how much Patricia has put together, and with my own concerns that Silla’s only friend turned on her, everyone seems to have a price in this place.
“Yes,let me call him now,”she murmurs. “You don’t have to worry about me, you know. I won’t breathe a word about her or anything really. I didn’t log her visit to me today, outside of signing out bandages to her.”
My heart constricts as I realize there’s another person in her corner. Patricia has been since she saw Silla during intake, but I can’t help my paranoia.
“I know… thank you. I’ll be there just as soon as I can,” I mutter.
Hanging up, I pocket my phone, opening a door to a less busy hallway. Looking around, I slink out of the utility closet to make my way to the infirmary.
“Hey!” says a voice connected to a person that I want to punch. Looking down at Silla grounds me, and I adjust her so she’s laying more comfortably in my arms. If anyone asks, I’ll say she passed out from heat exhaustion or something. I don’t give a damn. “Just wait, what’s wrong with her?” Zachary continues as he comes up to me.
“What do you think?” I ask, glancing at him with so much anger that he flinches as he looks up. “Your intel did this, so I hope whatever it was that Ayden offered you was worth it.”
I shot that out into the darkness, because I couldn’t prove it was Drya’s brother who spoke to him before. The look of panic solidifies my hunch.
“Wait! Look, I’m sorry. Ayden threatened my sister, man. Don’t you have siblings?” Zachary asks, pulling on his hair.
“Get out of my way, cretin. If this is what your friendship looks like, Silla doesn’t need it,” I rasp. My control is slipping, so I knock my shoulder into his to get him to move. I don’t care about his current plights, because the girl in my arms trumps all of that.
I get a few looks as I carry Silla, but Section B tends to have more incidents occur, so people move on their way quickly. The door to the infirmary is closed, but Patricia quickly opens it as soon as my shadow darkens it.
“Put her on a bed,” she says softly, locking the door behind me once I’m inside.
I carefully lay her down, but her fingers tangle in my shirt to keep me near. “No, please,” Silla gasps.
“Isaac isn’t going anywhere, darling girl. In fact he’s going to sit right next to you so I can check your vitals,” Patricia says smoothly as Silla’s eyelashes flutter. At no point does she question why I’m the one she’s clinging to. This nurse has always seen too much, but I’m glad she’s on our side.
“What happened?” Gray asks gruffly, pushing away from the wall. I didn’t even notice him because I was so focused on Silla.
Patricia begins to run through vitals as Silla’s shivering gets worse.
“Can we get her a blanket?” I ask, not meaning to ignore him, but now that I’m here, I’m starting to unravel.
“I got her, she’s going to be fine. Silla has symptoms of shock, which I can take care of. Tell us everything you know, I swear I won’t repeat anything,” Patricia assures me, covering Silla with a blanket.
Nodding, my eyes don’t leave Silla. “They… fuck. I’m having trouble believing this all really happened.” I sigh, rubbing my face. Wetness surprises me on my cheeks, giving me a full idea of how affected I am. “Apparently Silla’s instructors needed a training exercise, and chose to use the facility’s programs to get information about each of their recruits. They found out about her claustrophobia, and chose to show the class how fear can impact a mission.”
Gray takes a deep breath, his blue eyes heavy as his gaze bounces between Silla and I.
“Sidney and Ayden are perverted fucks on a good day, so they had some sort of sexual practice happening at the front of the class while they trapped Silla behind the grate—”
Grayson makes a strangled sound, pulling on his hair in frustration. “I’m an idiot,” he groans. “I ran into Ayden earlier today, and he told me to listen for the screams… I never imagined he meant Silla’s. I thought she’d be safe because you’re on her schedule.”
“That’s not your fault,” I grunt. “It’s actually mine. I waited for an hour before I went looking for her. I got caught up in phone calls, finally extricating myself from my office to search for her. I found Andrya staring at the vent in panic and fear. Silla was losing her voice from screaming…”
“I’m… fine,” Silla says, forcing her eyes to open. Her small forced smile is so far off, I reach out to cup her face. “I didn’t realize what Andrya was doing until she was pulling my hair and started telling me her plan. Gods… I fought so hard, but she asked some of the male recruits to help her, and there was nothing I could do.”
Grayson shakes his head as he moves closer to her. “What else happened, Silla?” he asks softly.
“Sidney wanted to teach a blow job tutorial during all of this, so he asked Michael to come up onto the stage,” she whispers, her voice raw from screaming.
“Drink a little of this for me,” Patricia interrupts, leaning up to give her some water. Silla takes a sip, grunting as she swallows. Fuck.
My eyes look for any injuries, and I notice she’s rubbing her side. “Did they physically hurt you, Little Hacker?” I growl.
“They threw me into the vent, so my back is sore. Umm… Andrya also punched me in the side because I was bucking and thrashing so much,” she confesses.