Page 47 of Desire
“So why the nipple clamps? Correction?” I ask and he grunts in agreement.
“The clamps released electric pulses that Ayden was controlling with a remote control. We’ve used this technique in the past without an issue, but that damn girl lost her mind,” Sidney groans.
Raising my eyebrow, I watch as he winces.
“Claustrophobia has been known to be cured with low doses of exposure therapy to begin with,” I lecture. “Throwing Silla Tremaine into a tiny air vent for hours did more harm than good. She is suffering from dehydration and shock currently, and is in the infirmary. What you three did today was reckless, and your intelligence skills were sloppy. I’m disappointed with all of the rules you snubbed your noses at, and your lack of responsibility in getting your charge out of the damn wall once class was dismissed. Were you planning on leaving her in there forever?”
The three of them look at me guiltily as I throw up my hands in disgust. “The three of you remind me of the Three Stooges instead of well trained instructors who matriculate some of the best spies this institution has ever seen,” I continue to rant. I don’t know how, but the queen has glowing things to say about the spies that graduate from their program. I can praise them even as I’m dressing them down. “There will be no more of these disgusting displays of stupidity, is that clear? You need to think your lessons through completely before you execute them.”
“Yes, Sir,” Andrya says, standing. Her eyes still appear a little red from crying, and I’m glad. Maybe that’s a bit petty, but Silla looked so incredibly small on that hospital bed.
“You will also keep your hands to yourself, and will refrain from punching our recruits. Really, Andrya, I expect better from you three,” I complain, shaking my head.
“Wait, you did what?” Ayden asks, surprised.
“I was frustrated,” she says weakly. “Silla wouldn’t stop trying to get away, so I tried to stun her into submission.”
“Fuck,” Sidney sighs, scrubbing at his closely cropped hair. “You’re right, we fucked up today. I panicked hearing her screams. I enjoy a little pain, but my dick wilted from her fear. So I was pissed off because I couldn’t come, annoyed that Michael passed out on my cock, and I wanted to get away from it all.”
“I left too, but I didn’t think about how heavy the furniture was,” Ayden mutters, standing as well, crossing his arms. “What do you want us to do now?”
It’s not often that they fuck up this epically, but there are always repercussions when they do.
“You’re each to spend time with Silla, getting to know her outside of class,” I decide, my eyes taking them in. Now, I should want them to spend less time with her, but I want them to see her as a person. It’s easy to terrorize a stranger… but when they are someone you know, I’m hoping they’ll think twice.
“What do you want us to do with her?” Ayden asks, confused.
“Teach her practical skills that she’ll need to know as a spy who uses her body to complete her tasks,” I insist, rolling my eyes. I am not happy about her designation, but I can’t change it at this time. “Silla is an excellent hacker, and will be spending an hour several times a week working with Isaac for enrichment purposes. Do not impede on their time. Is that understood?”
They nod, still looking gobsmacked. I’m sure this is the last thing that they expected, but my punishments are never simple. Thinking about the girl sleeping in the infirmary, I begin to feel restless.
“Are there any questions about what I’m asking for?” I ask, lips twisting.
“No… I just don’t understand why we’re being asked to do this,” Sidney pouts, his muscles bulging in his shirt as he throws up his hands.
“You have a tendency to dehumanize the students in your section. It’s time to change that, starting tomorrow,” I tell them. “One of you will find her at lunch and eat with her. I hear you managed to alienate her one friend, and convinced him to betray her. She’s now officially relieved of anyone to eat with. Silla is easily triggered in the dining hall, learn what sets off her phobias. Anything else?”
Andrya looks shell shocked as she shakes her head in denial. I’m sure these three thought that I’d demand that they spend less time with her and not more.
Walking out of the room, I hope that I’m doing the right thing.
The Warden should have chewed us out so much worse than he did. We ignore countless protocols on a regular basis, and something finally went wrong.
“What the fuck was that?” I wheeze after the door closes behind the Warden.
“I’m still processing,” my brother mumbles, leaning against the wall. “Tonight was a shit show of epic proportions, and he could have just fired us.”
“We’d really be fucked if that happened,” Sidney sighs. “The three of us literally exist at the behest of the queen. There are bounties on our heads, and our performance is the only thing that allows us to keep them.”
Our propensity to behave rashly is what landed us a teaching job that we can’t quit, after all.
“The Warden knows our histories,” I sigh. “I just… you guys don’t understand. Silla lost it. If Isaac hadn’t come looking for her when he did, I’m scared to think of what would have happened.”
“Class ended three hours before he found her,” Ayden says, blowing out a breath. “Did Isaac say why he was looking for her?”