Page 51 of Desire
“Gray, I just needed to be pointed in the right direction,” I hiss as he walks me to a door I didn’t notice on the other side of the room.
He just kisses my forehead as he ignores me, placing me on my feet. I’m still very dizzy, but I widen my stance a little so I won’t fall. I don’t understand this Grayson. They’re all the same person after all, but I’m used to everything being a verbal sparring session.
“Do you need any more help?” he asks, his lips twitching as my hand lands heavily on the door handle to go inside.
“Nope, I’m good, thank you,” I say hurriedly, covering up tripping into the bathroom with a mutter about how clumsy I am. Grayson snorts in amusement as I close the door behind me.
“I don’t bite unless you ask nicely,” he calls, and my cheeks heat as I think about what that means. My bladder is starting to scream at me though, so I rush to the toilet, taking care of business just in time.
Blowing out a breath, I drop my face to my hands, still exhausted. I don’t even want to think about going to class and seeing everyone after my freak out. Despite my nightmares, now I just feel embarrassed.
“I'm coming in there in the next five minutes, Dangerous Girl, and I can guarantee you it’ll embarrass you more than me,” Grayson chuckles.
The man is an overbearing ass, but he did help me to the bathroom. Finishing up, I wash my hands just as he pushes the door open.
“I’m fine, Daddy,” I mutter under my breath.
Faster than I can track, he’s behind me, his hand gently wrapped around my neck, pulling my head back to stare up at him.
“I like that you call me that way more than you could possibly understand, Baby Girl. Except the next time you do, I need you to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into,” Grayson growls as I pant. His teeth graze along my jaw, causing me to whimper and rub my legs together in need.
Gray’s other hand runs up my thigh, his teeth gritting together so hard, I worry for them. “You’re so beautiful, so much stronger than you even know, but I don’t deserve you yet, Silla,” he says sadly.
“Gray,” I whisper, and he leans his cheek against mine, still holding me in place.
“Mmhmm. What, baby?” Grayson asks softly.
“I’m sorry,” I tell him, blinking quickly. I feel as if I've made this man doubt himself in some way, and he spent most of the night off and on with Isaac checking on me.
Turning me, Grayson’s hands move to my waist to pick me up, setting me on the counter. Palming my cheek, he leans over to meet my eyes. “What’s all this?” he murmurs, trailing his thumb over the wetness beginning to leak.
“I never cry, and I feel like I’m a faucet that needs to be tightened,” I sniffle.
“You get a pass, if it really bothers you,” he says softly, his eyes on my lips before they move back up to look at me. “Now why are you apologizing?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing here,” I sigh, and his eyes crinkle adorably. “I slept with Isaac and yet…”
“It’s okay to want me too,” Grayson confides. “Is that your worry? Isaac and I clearly have our hands full with you. Sassy, gorgeous, and constantly finding herself in dangerous situations.”
“Not on purpose,” I argue. “I feel as if I’m playing a game where the rules always change. So I can never adjust fast enough.”
“That’s a perfect way to describe the Fucked Up Trio,” Grayson grumbles, and my brows rise.
“The who?” I ask, confused.
Kissing up my jaw, causing me to shiver, he rests his forehead against mine. This man turns me on and confuses me. “Andrya, Ayden, and Sidney are tenured teachers at FRC, which means they can never leave unless the queen either pardons them or relieves them of their lives,” Grayson explains.
My nose wrinkles as I think about that. “It sounds like my step-sister needs someone to do her dirty work, and people who depend on her continued leniency,” I murmur.
“You’d be correct,” Gray agrees. “I have a question for you, and I need you to think about it carefully before telling me to fuck off, okay?”
My lips twitch at the thought of going toe-to-toe with this man again, I nod. An odd look comes over his face as he stares at me. “There are certain things that you do that are so alike to Queen Cinder’s,” he says absently. “That’s not the question, though. Are the stories true that I’ve heard? Do you not get along well with your step-sister?”
Shaking my head, I sigh as I think about it, not wanting to get into family politics with him right now. It’s no one’s business but ours. “There’s a kernel of truth in everything, but a lot of it isn’t true. My mother and her can be civil with each other, and Cinder is in the middle of helping Anastasia find a wealthy match to marry. I haven’t spoken to my step-sister in a while, not since I refused a match to a much older man,” I explain. “Fredrich lives in another kingdom, is known for being very rough with his wives, and likes deflowering virgins while his friends watch.”
“Silla, that’s really fucked up,” Grayson growls.
“It is, which is why I declined. Also, before you get things twisted, I didn’t do anything that I didn’t want to with you and Isaac,” I insist. I can see there’s a small amount of doubt in his eyes, and feel as if I need to drive my point home. “Fredrich is sixty-years-old.”