Page 54 of Desire
“And I put myself on your schedule for tonight at seven o’clock after dinner. I want to see what you can truly do with a computer, and I have some work you can help me with,” Isaac smirks.
“Getting the pretty girl to help you with your work, classic,” Patricia chuckles. “Out!”
The guys leave with smiles on their faces, and the nurse hands me my breakfast tray.
“There’s a line outside to see me, do you want me to draw the privacy screen?” she asks and I take a breath, shaking my head as I pick up my fork.
“No, it’s fine,” I tell her with a tight smile.
Nodding, she moves to the door, and I know she doesn’t believe me.
The next half hour is filled with people in and out of the infirmary, and most people ignore me as I finish eating. Putting my tray to the side, I sit up, glancing up at the time. I really want a shower before going to my morning class.
They tend to rotate each day, and I wish today’s class was later. Straightening my shoulders, I stand. Giving the nurse a little wave as she talks with a patient, I slip out of the room.
My hair is a mess from sleeping on it, but there’s nothing I can do about it now as I weave through the people back to my room.
“Silla!” calls out a voice that I wish I didn’t know, and my feet move faster.
I can’t believe I trusted him.
I can’t believe I let my guard down for him.
I’m such an idiot.
These words run through my head as I start jogging for the hallway that’ll take me toward my room. It’s silly, but the information that he sold me out is too fresh.
“Silla, for the Gods sakes, stop!” Zachary yells, grabbing my arm hard.
I have to stop, or I’ll end up back at the infirmary. I’m sure that Patricia can use a break from me, so I turn to face him.
“How can I help you, Zachary? Is there any other information I can willingly offer you so you can use it against me?” I ask coldly, arching my eyebrow.
Pursing his lips at me, he shakes his head. “Silla, did Isaac or Ayden tell you that I was being blackmailed? My sister is innocent. She doesn’t deserve to be here,” Zachary says pleadingly.
Staring at him, my tone becomes even colder. My step-sister is the leader of our kingdom, so I have a great role model. “Every action has a consequence, Zachary,” I say haughtily. “I hope your sister lives a long and happy life due to your sacrificing me to my instructors.” Pulling my arm back, I make sure my face shows no emotion as he pleads with me with his eyes. “The consequence of my sacrifice is that you no longer have me to call a friend, and I no longer have a serpent in the grass waiting to strike.”
Taking a step back as I keep my eyes on him, I gasp as I run into a very solid back. Turning to look over my shoulder, my eyes widen as I see that I collided with Sidney. Fuck.
“Excuse me,” I murmur, attempting to step around him.
“No, excuse me. I interrupted a solid verbal reaming,” Sidney says, eyes bouncing between us as he claps. Something tells me this man enjoys dramatics and gossip. “Are you going to let her walk away? Miss Tremaine quite frankly handed you your ass.”
“Yeah, well, I deserve it. Silla, can I please walk you to where you’re going? I don’t deserve the privilege of your presence, but I do need to know that you’re safe,” Zachary insists, eyes on Sidney.
The man may be right, because the bigger predator here is Sidney.
“I was directed to stick like glue to the girl by the Warden, and that may as well start now. Where are you headed?” he asks.
“I’m going back to my room. I spent the night in the infirmary, and I need to get ready for the day,” I murmur.
There’s a very small wince that crinkles the corners of Sidney’s emerald-green eyes, but otherwise he remains unaffected. “Oooh. Does this mean I get to accompany you to your room?” he asks, wiggling his brows.
“Nope, that’s not fucking happening,” Zachary mutters, his hand on my back as he walks, pushing me gently along for the ride. “She’ll see you at class later, and not a moment before. Stay away.”
“The Warden insists Ayden, Andrya, and I spend more time with her for ‘tutoring’ purposes,” Sidney says, his words heavy with innuendo. I want to scream at him that I would never let him touch me with his ‘tutoring opportunity’, but I never get the chance as Zachary and I turn the corner.
“You don’t have to enjoy walking with me, Silla, but everyone seems way too interested in you,” Zachary grumbles as he walks with me. “What the hell is going on?”