Page 60 of Desire
His smile disappears as he watches me nervously. “Do you have some kind of eating disorder or something?” Ayden asks and I roll my eyes as I swallow.
“No,” I answer, stuffing another bite into my mouth, ignoring him.
“Then what’s with the skipping of meals? Andrya would cut someone before she’d not eat,” he explains.
“I was honestly worried that I would have fallen asleep on my plate,” I tell him as soon as I can.
“So you took a nap? This entire time?” Ayden asks, confused.
“Mmhmm,” I answer, not taking a break from eating.
“Wow,” he says. He’s still staring at me, and I raise my eyebrow at him as I push back from my plate, finally full.
“I’m not as complicated as you think I am,” I tease him.
“You are though, most of the girls I’m around just want me for my dick, but you don’t seem to have any interest,” he laments, his arms flexing. I’ll be the first to agree that Ayden is pretty to look at, but his personality has a lot to be desired.
“You have nothing that I need nor desire,” I tell him archly. “I’ve been around enough men who think they’re the Gods' gift to men and women to last me a lifetime. You’re arrogant, spiteful, and cruel, yet you only seem to care about what two people think. While that’s admirable, and it seems that you chose to shit on me because your twin thought I snubbed her, your follow through needs work. Yep, I think that’s everything. Thanks for the assist in finding a table though.”
Standing, I grab my tray to leave, a part of me enjoying his widened eyes. It seems I can still surprise people. Putting my tray away, I leave the dining hall, wishing I could sit outside for a bit.
It’s sad that the one nice thing about this place was taken away so early from me. I only hesitate to go out there because I now know it’s a hookup spot, and that’s not why I want to be there.
Someone pushes me into a small hallway, causing me to gasp. My head is smacked against the wall hard, and a very happy cock is pressed into my ass, no matter how much I struggle.
“You’re the new piece of ass at FRC, I see,” says the man behind me. I can see dirty blond hair as I struggle, but little else.
“Get off me,” I yell, struggling, and he laughs.
“There’s no one who cares what happens to the whores here—” the man starts to say before he’s ripped away from me, his putrid breath going with him.
“I actually very much care,” Ayden snarks, pushing him harder than I thought he’d have the strength to. “You know damn good and well my section wouldn’t touch your tiny dick with tweezers. Go give it a good tug by yourself, because there’s nothing here for you.”
I can still see stars, and I rub my head. Apparently I’m having a rough day.
“Kitten, you’re having all kinds of trouble today.” Ayden sighs.
“I really didn’t expect to be hit from behind,” I grumble.
“I have ice cream in my room,” he cajoles. “Please, just spend a little time with me. It’s not fair to judge a book by its cover.”
Scowling at him, I snark, “I’ve been judged my entire life this way. It’s perfectly fair.”
“Silla… Look, I got ahead of myself the other day,” Ayden explains, his hand falling to the base of my back as he moves me forward. “Andrya was moping and I needed it to stop.”
“She’s not a toddler,” I remind him. “She has words for a reason.”
“Andrya thought you were rejecting her, though,” Ayden reminds me, and it’s so ridiculous that I want to stomp my foot and scream.
Taking a cleansing breath, I tell him, “I can’t reject someone while I’m asleep. I didn’t completely realize that it had happened until she confirmed it in class.”
Cursing under his breath, I watch him change tactics. “I feel as if we all need a do over,” Ayden says hopefully, to which I snort.
“No,” I deny. “There’s no such thing as one.”
He opens the door to his room, a calculating gleam in his eyes as he escorts me in. “What will it take for you to let me in a little? I don’t smell bad, I’m cute, and contrary to popular belief, I’m not a psychopath,” Ayden jokes.
Dropping onto the couch, I answer, “The jury is currently out on that.”