Page 5 of Mark of the Wolf
He was huge. The shape of him cut a dark figure against the moonlight. Midnight. Death. Evil. He was all of those things.
X bared his teeth. A stark white contrast to his inky black fur.
Anson, I thought. How could he be both? Anson’s wolf was the purest white. A trick. A glamor. A lie.
X snapped his jaw, sending out his own warning. He planted his paws in the soft earth. Saliva dripped from his fangs. His tail lay flat, ready to pounce.
I made the first move. Crossing the distance between us in a powerful leap, I was on him. I dug my fangs into the flesh of his neck. We rolled end over end, fur flying.
X righted himself and snapped his jaw. He had given me the first strike. His silver eyes dimmed. I waited for them to turn red just like they had all those years ago. I thought I’d killed him for that once before. I meant to do it again.
For the lies. The betrayal. The pain.
X pinned me down. I pushed upward with my back legs where I held all my strength. I felt one of X’s ribs crack as he vaulted backward.
I got to my feet, hanging my head low.
“Die,” I thought.
We came at each other, each of us arcing through the air. For a split second, we flew. With one great swipe of his paw, X shifted my balance. I landed hard on my back with him on top of me.
His command thundered through my whole body. “Shift!”
This time, I did.
The weight of him threatened to crush my sternum. He changed position, supporting himself on his back legs on either side of me.
X snapped his jaw one last time before shifting.
Oh, God. So close. I felt the outline of his body pressed against mine. All it would take was the slightest parting of my knees and he could enter me. The darkest heat flooded through me.
Damn him to hell. He owned my body.
“Get off me, you fucking beast,” I said.
He was X. He was Anson. I saw both men at once. Anson’s wheat blond hair. X’s dark features and deeply cut scars. His two faces shimmered before me, one becoming more prominent, than the other.
It had been right in front of me all this time. His curse. His magic had kept me from seeing it.
I laid my hands flat on his chest, then curved my fingers, digging my nails into his chest. Then I pushed upward for all I was worth.
X shifted his weight, letting me sit up. But he didn’t let me go.
“Leave,” I said. “You’re not welcome on Wild Lake lands.”
His eyes flashed dark anger. “Yeah? Who’s going to stop me?”
“Me!” I shouted. He moved further back, letting me get to my feet. He rose beside me.
“I just need you to listen,” he said.
“What? Are you going to tell me you’re some kind of victim in all of this? You’re a liar. A killer. A thief. I don’t want you here.”
“You sure about that?” he said, a sly smile curving his mouth. His eyes raked over me, settling on the juncture of my thighs. Even now, my body thrummed for his.
“You’re a good fuck,” I said. “But that’s all you are. Get over yourself. The only thing you’re good for now is death.”
His eyes changed, sadness filling them. “You might be right. But I can die later. For now? You need me whether you like it or not, Tempest.”