Page 50 of Forsaken Fate
“It was a long time ago,” I said.
She touched my face. I didn’t mean it, but I couldn’t stop myself from jerking away. I didn’t want to feel what she was. Not now.
“I have to be there, you know. I made a promise,” I said. I hadn’t planned to but somehow it seemed important. “You understand I’ll be there when you do it. If you go through with it. At the Gathering. You’re expecting me to stand by and watch it. If you actually take his mark.”
Her face hardened then and I realized it hadn’t come out right. With the shadows that sometimes darkened her eyes and what I saw last night, I had the sense that a part of Brynna was starting to unravel.
“Why would you think I wouldn’t?” she said and the mask slid back into place. “You’ve asked me all the questions, Theo. How about you answer a few? Why haven’t you taken a mate of your own?”
I didn’t mean to growl. It just came out of me. The answer thundered through me but I forced it back. I wouldn’t say it out loud. As if that would make it any less true.
Because you’re mine!
“You have secrets of your own, Theo. I can feel them burning through you. You asked me not to lie to you. So don’t lie to me.”
I said nothing. What could I say?
She regarded me, but the moment had passed. The chameleon that was Brynna Carrington stood before me again. She ran a hand across my jaw, her fingers leaving a trail of goose flesh where she touched me. Then she turned and walked away.
* * *
I couldn’t look back. It was past ten in the morning. Hell, it was almost eleven when I pulled into the driveway of Diana’s house. I had no idea whether Grayson was home or not and no way to explain where I’d been if he was. The tires squealed as I braked quickly and put the car in park in the circular driveway, another lie already taking shape in my head.
When I burst through the front door, it wasn’t Grayson standing there with accusatory eyes. It was Mary Barlow. Her mouth was set in a grim line and she stood with her legs apart and arms folded across her ample chest.
Then I realized, fuck her. I didn’t answer to her.
“Mary!” Grayson bellowed from somewhere upstairs. Shit.
“She’s just come in now, Mr. Dorran,” Mary the traitor called up.
Shit and fuck. Mary had seen me leave yesterday. She knew I hadn’t come home and she knew I was wearing the same clothes. Grayson bounded down the stairs and my heart sank. He hadn’t just come home. He was wearing his track pants and a dry-fit t-shirt. He’d been home long enough to change into casual clothes.
“Where have you been?” he said.
I wouldn’t apologize. The minute I did I’d lose whatever chance I had to un-fuck this. Stupid. I’d been so stupid. I was so close to achieving my goal and everything could slip away because I spent the day with first the person I was risking everything for and later with Theo.
“I went shopping,” I said. “You knew that. And I ran into an old friend from college. I hadn’t seen her since sophomore year. We got dinner. It was late. I had a couple of glasses of wine and it was just safer to crash on her couch. She has a loft apartment downtown.”
Grayson crossed the distance between us and grabbed me by the shoulders. He gave me a shake hard enough to rattle my teeth. My heart pounded into my throat. “Why didn’t you answer your phone, Brynna? I didn’t know what the hell to think.”
“What?” I said, the room started to spin as icy fingers of panic spread through my chest. I couldn’t do this. Not now. “Let me check it.”
Somehow, I kept my hands from shaking as I reached into my purse and pulled out my phone. I tried to click the ringer off without Grayson seeing but he grabbed the phone from my hand before I could. He tried to turn it on as my mind raced. Had Theo called me? No. He didn’t have my number. But there was an outgoing call to Charlie. How would I explain that?
Grayson thrust the phone back into my hand, his eyes narrowed. “Keep the damn thing charged, Brynna.”
What? I looked down. Sure enough, the screen was black except for the red outlined symbol of a battery. I let a slow breath out as I tucked it back into my purse.
“I will,” I said. “I promise. I didn’t mean to worry you. How was your trip?”
“Never mind that now,” Grayson said. He’d stepped away from me and paced near the foot of the stairs. Mary Barlow kept her judgmental vigil, leaning against the banister. Why was she here again?
Grayson shook a finger at me. “I have to leave again, Brynna. Do you get that?”