Page 166 of Paradise Descent
“What can I get for you?”
“I’ll have lemon vodka.”
He brought a round for all three of us and we tapped our glasses and shot it down. The vodka burned, settling in my stomach. Washing away my nerves.
Maybe I did have a problem.
“Want another round?” Liam said. “It’s all on my tab.”
I nodded. The lights were dim and the music thrummed gently in the background. I could make out faint strains of “Cornerstone” by the Arctic Monkeys and it was putting me in the dreamiest, drunken state.
We had a cigarette out on the balcony. If I hadn’t been so inebriated I might have noticed a change in Travis and Liam. Neither of them were flirting with me the way they had at the lodge.
But I was too tipsy to notice. After we had a smoke outside, I went back to the bar and the tattooed bartender asked me if I’d ever had a blowjob shot. I gaped at him, blushing to my ears.
“No,” I stammered.
He set a shot glass topped with whipped cream in front of me. “If you can take it all in one go, it’s on the house.”
“Okay,” I said, sitting down. “What do I do with it?”
All three men laughed uproariously and I felt my blush creep down to my neckline.
“You put your hands behind your back and take the glass in your mouth and tilt your head back fast,” the bartender said. “And then swallow it, sweetheart, and it’s free.”
He was definitely flirting with me…or maybe he was just trying to get tips. Nonplussed, I tucked my hands behind my back. My entire body prickled as I felt their eyes follow my every move as I fitted my mouth around the rim of the glass.
The energy around me shifted. Everyone nearby sobered and I felt them move back. Making way for a more magnetic, imposing presence.
A hand slid up my back and gathered my hair.
“Tilt your head back.”
My core clenched. I knew that deep, pleasant voice anywhere.
I obeyed, drawing my head back. The liquor went down my throat and I swallowed with difficulty, the glass suddenly cumbersome between my teeth.
A hand cupped my chin and lifted the glass from my lips. Lean fingers set it aside and turned me to look up into his deep blue gaze.
“Having fun, cariad?”
Oops, he’d told me not to drink too much. Guiltily, I nodded.
“You’re very drunk,” he said softly. “And you are also making me very jealous. Lean back against the bar.”
I looked around, confused. Liam and Travis had stepped away, watching with eyes wide. The bartender crossed his arms, his brow raised.
“Can I help you, gentleman?” Merrick asked.
Everyone shook their heads, keeping their gazes respectfully lowered. Merrick swiveled my chair and gently pressed me back against the bar. The people around us had started noticing something was going on and they were looking from the corners of their eyes.
“Fuck, you look so good, baby girl,” Merrick said, voice husky.
It hit me then. He was tipsy too. That shook me a little, but not enough to scare me away.
No, I wanted to see how far he would take this.
How dirty was the Welsh king willing to get?