Page 23 of Paradise Descent
“I think this is just another way for men to own us.” I got out of the car and began striding up the porch steps.
Merrick locked up the car and moved past me to open the front door. “You didn’t believe the part about pleasure, did you?”
I shook back my hair, flouncing past him into the house. “Why don’t I just let Osian brand my ass with his family crest? It’s the same thing, just in a different font.”
Merrick laughed, the rich sound echoing through the hall.
“He’d probably like that, judging from the way that fucker was looking at you tonight.”
He was joking, but I felt the veiled threat in his voice. I chewed the inside of my mouth and watched him as he took off his coat. That spot was raw and little bloody, staining my mouth with metal.
“Isn’t it good that he wants me?” I asked quietly.
Merrick’s eyes softened. “As long as he respects you, it’s fine.”
He went into his office and I went to shower off my makeup. My body was a tangle of mixed emotions.
Did I like the way Osian had looked at me? Like he wanted to use me, to devour me until I was just bare bones?
And why did my whole body ache after that conversation with Merrick?
Feeling a little ashamed, I slid my fingers down between my legs. I didn’t touch myself very often because it only worked about half the time. Usually I just built and built until I was overstimulated and annoyed, but never went over the edge.
This was one of those times. My hips were tight and there was a pressure I needed to fix between my thighs. I got out and toweled off and crawled into my bed, fixing my eyes on the ceiling.
Closing my eyes, I tried to picture Osian as I circled my finger, but it was having the opposite effect. Any desire I had to come had waned and disappeared. Frustrated, I flipped onto my stomach and closed my eyes.
Maybe getting the piercing would be a good thing. Maybe it would make me more sensitive and I could finally orgasm consistently. Otherwise, Osian was going to be in for a disappointment when he finally got me into bed.
A childish thrill of excitement woke me on my birthday. I bolted upright and crossed the room, reaching out to pull the door open. My hand froze. I was wearing a worn out t-shirt I’d taken from Merrick a few years ago. It was a comfort shirt, like a security blanket, and I always wore it when I couldn’t get to sleep.
For some reason, it didn’t feel right wearing it around him this morning.
I chewed the inside of my lip. God, it was getting raw in that spot. A tingle of metal spread over my tongue.
Why did it suddenly feel strange to wear Merrick’s shirt?
I lifted the neckline and pulled it over my nose. Clean. Masculine. Comforting.
My hand hovered over the doorknob. Goddamn it, I was just going to change.
I seethed a little at myself as I pulled on leggings and a bralette. What had changed in the last week?
Nothing. Nothing had changed, I was being stupid.
Merrick was still Merrick. Even after our awkward conversation in the car after he’d introduced me to Osian, he’d remained the same. Nothing bothered Merrick or threw him off his game. He was still his protective, affectionate self.
Out of nowhere, I was painfully aware of him this morning.
But why?
I shook my head in frustration and went to open the door, but caught sight of myself in the mirror. My nipples were hard and poking through the thin bralette. I pushed my thighs together and the faint crease of my pussy showed.