Page 25 of Paradise Descent
He handed me the strainer and frowned, studying me with those cobalt eyes. I tensed as his hand came up and the backs of his fingers brushed over my forehead.
“Are you okay?” he asked. “You look sort of…off. But you don’t feel warm.”
Alright, it was time for me to pull it together. Or try to, at least.
“I’m just excited for tonight.” I shook back my hair and busied myself with making the coffee.
I glanced at him over my shoulder. “No, it’ll be fine.”
There was a knock on the door and he looked up, his eyes glittering.
“Better go get that, Clara,” he said.
I knew it was for me, Merrick always sent me flowers on my birthday. And every other Tuesday. Childish excitement rising in my chest, I set the coffee funnel aside and skipped out into the hall.
I had to type in the security code twice and then I had to scan my thumb, but finally the locks eased. Pulling the door open, I squinted out into the morning sun and gasped.
There was a topless, white car with berry pink accents parked in the driveway. Every sleek inch of it gleamed, including the creamy leather seats. On the passenger seat was a round box of jet black roses tied with a pink ribbon.
All of my favorite colors.
My fists clenched and my throat tightened. Part of me wanted to run out and inspect every inch of it, part of me wanted to hug Merrick. But the part of me that decided to ugly cry in the hallway won out.
“Cariad,” Merrick said, appearing at my side. “What’s wrong?”
I pushed my face against his chest, breathing in his scent. “Nothing,” I said, my voice muffled. “You’re just too nice to me, Merrick. No one is ever going to measure up.”
He stroked my hair. “That’s the point, now you know what you deserve. I hope Osian is taking notes.”
I laughed weakly. “I thought you didn’t want me to drive.”
“No, I said I wasn’t comfortable with it outside Providence,” he corrected. “Feel free to go where you please in town.”
He handed me his handkerchief that smelled like him, that rich, dark oak scent, and I wiped my face. I handed it back to him and he took it gingerly, disassociating for a moment as he pushed it back into his pocket.
I felt his eyes on me as I ran out to the driveway and climbed into the front seat. The keys hung from the dash. There was a little round leather tag embossed with my monogram.
I pulled the keys out, gathered up my flowers, and carried them back up the stairs. He had a faint smile on his face and a strange expression in his eyes. It looked almost like wistfulness.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
He cleared his throat. “It just occurred to me that after you marry Osian, you’ll be with him for your birthday. This is our last year together.”
Well, that poured a bucket of ice cold water on my mood. And it also reminded me that Osian hadn’t sent me anything. I shook back my hair and stood on my toes, kissing his jaw. The stubble tickled my lips and made me want to rub my nose.
“Let’s not think about that now,” I said. “Can I drive the car over to Candice’s house after breakfast? I was going to hang out with her while you were at work.”
“Sure,” he said. “Do you need me to bring you to the Bach’s tonight?”
“Yes, please,” I said. “But I have to go shopping first.”
“I paid off your credit card,” he said, crooking a brow.
I cringed. “Sorry, I needed a lot of retail therapy during finals week.”
“Just let me know before you hit the ceiling next time,” he said. “They sent me a notice and there’s no reason for that.”