Page 67 of Paradise Descent
Merrick is pissed at me and I’m waiting for him to get back from his meeting.
There was a short pause. Then:
Merrick is pissed? What did you do?
I explained in a page-long text, including that he was expecting me to apologize, and sent it. Her typing bubble wobbled for a long time before her text came through.
Damn. He actually sounds like he is pissed at you. That’s really weird, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him mad about anything.
I know.
We talked about it for a few minutes longer and got nowhere. We were both confused by his anger because all we’d ever known was the gentle side of him.
Laying aside my phone, I rolled onto my side. The clock blinked almost eleven. My heart pumped a little faster as the minutes moved by, this time too quickly. My phone pinged, flashing a message from Candice.
Let me know what happens.
The lock to my suite whirred and the door pushed open. I sat up quickly, but didn’t dare get off the bed. In the living room, he sighed and I heard his coat fall to the couch. The door to the mini fridge opened, a glass clinked.
I remained still.
“Clara, come out here, please.”
Heart in my throat, I padded barefoot to the door and peeked around the corner. My whole body tensed and then warmth pooled in my hips. Sudden and unexpected.
He was leaning on the kitchen counter, propped on his elbows. A glass of clear liquid, probably vodka, sat before him. His white shirt was open at the collar and the sleeves were still rolled halfway up his forearms. I’d never seen that many buttons undone before. In fact, I’d never seen his chest at all.
Why would I have? He was always careful to wear a shirt around me.
His eyes flicked to me and held. His dark hair, normally slicked back, was loose. Some of the natural wave was coming through, a shock of it hanging messily over his forehead.
I wondered what it felt like.
Would it curl around my fingers if I played with it?
He cleared his throat, his eyes not wavering.
“Come here, Clara.”
My heart thumped so fast that my ears roared with the pressure. I pushed the bedroom door open slowly and crossed the room. He didn’t turn, but his hand dipped into this pocket.
He took out a watch and laid it on the counter. I leaned in to look and my whole body went completely still.
It was a silver Rolex with a dark blue face.
Heat radiated from my face, spilling through me until it reached the bottoms of my feet. He was the man I’d ground my ass on at my birthday party.
Oh my God.
Before the mortification could set in, a single thought filled my brain. Merrick was packing. But of course his dick was huge, it was probably a prerequisite for becoming the Welsh King.
Trying not to look down at his groin, I lifted my burning face up and locked eyes with him. His mouth parted, showing a sliver of his tongue and teeth. I stared at it, transfixed.
“Clara,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “For grinding on you. I had no idea it was you. And I’m sorry for embarrassing you tonight.”