Page 85 of Paradise Descent
“I’m not asking you to marry me, Merrick. I’m asking you to teach me how to fuck before I marry Osian. That’s it. But if you don’t want that, there are a dozen men in your nightclub right now who would be happy to do the same.”
Blue flame blazed. “So why haven’t you fucked one of them instead?”
“Because I trust you,” I breathed. “But I won’t beg for you.”
His hand shot out, seizing my wrist. Our eyes locked.
“Good girl,” he said softly.
A rush of warmth pooled in my chest and seeped down to my core.
“You are the Welsh Princess and you don’t beg for any man,” he said. “And that includes me.”
“But…you still won’t sleep with me,” I whispered, my mouth dry.
Something passed over his face I didn’t recognize and his eyes dropped. Then they flicked up and the intense longing in them caught me by surprise.
“You have no idea how much I want to say yes,” he said hoarsely. “So fuck it. Yes, I want to sleep with you, cariad.”
I sent her downstairs to change while I put on a pair of sweatpants. Faintly, I heard the sound of her shower running. She would be in the kitchen waiting for me in a few minutes.
The odds that you hurt her are very high.
I closed my eyes. Let my head fall back.
I ran my hand over my hair to tame it and left the bedroom in just sweatpants. She’d already seen my bare torso so there was no point in hiding my body. The damage was done. We were past that point.
She was in the kitchen, her wet hair stuck to her upper back. She wore a cropped shirt and plaid shorts that rode up her ass a little. I crossed the room, my eyes glued to her body.
Unashamed this time.
She turned and my eyes fell to her bare, lean belly. There was a piercing on her navel, diamond and gold. I reached out and touched it and her stomach clenched.
“When did you get your stomach pierced?” I asked.
“This summer in England.”
I sank to my knees to get a better look. She backed against the sink, her fingers digging into the counter’s edge. White knuckles and pink fingernails.
It was late, we were both exhausted. Our guards were down. We were already going to have regrets in the morning.
Bending, I tongued her navel gently. Flicking her ring.
“Oh my God,” she moaned.
“Yeah, you like that?”
“Yes, I don’t know why. It just feels good.”
I nuzzled her stomach and pushed the tip of my tongue into her naval. Her hips rode against my chin. Just a little, like she was shy about her neediness.