Page 119 of Sinful Desires
Even if I wanted to run, I couldn’t. My entire body was way too weak, and Foster took off in the direction of the only exit. By now, I’d accepted my fate. After what they did to me—even if a part of me enjoyed it—I didn’t know how to feel.
It didn’t take long for Foster to return and when he did, he offered me a white sheet. Wrapping it around my body, I fisted the front of it in my hands, using it as a lifeline. I watched in horror as they placed one over Raven and started rolling her in it, my heart stuttering.
As if sensing my unease, Foster grabbed me by the elbow, his grip firm. There was no use trying to fight him off. He was a lot stronger, faster, and had more energy than me right now.
“Let’s make this quick,” Foster instructed as he started tugging me alongside him toward the exit.
Collin and Myles lifted Raven once she was fully covered. Despite carrying dead weight, they surpassed us and shoved through the door up ahead. Hunter stayed behind with us—much to my dismay, and as soon as we reached the door, Foster pulled me to a stop, leaned down, and whispered against my ear.
“If you scream, I will break your neck,” he growled. “And I will make sure to hide your corpse somewhere no one will ever find you—a place that we’ll visit you again and again. If you know what I mean.”
My breath hitched and I nodded slightly, knowing good and well that he’d make good on that promise. We started through the door, chills sweeping through me as my mind swam with all the possibilities of what they intended on doing to me. When we made it outside, the October air was a welcoming contrast. My blood was fire in my veins and my tongue felt leaden. Pulling me around the side of the building, we started off toward the woods, my feet dragging against the muddied ground. Foster growled at my lack of compliance and jerked me forward. When that didn’t help much, he threw me over his shoulder, causing a breath of surprise to leave me.
Defeat closed in on me, causing new tears to spring to my eyes. I’d never see Avery again. I’d never have kids—not that I wanted them in the first place but having that option would have been nice. No one would ever love me.
Darkness enveloped as we entered the woods, the moon completely vacant now. It felt like hours had gone by, but that couldn’t be true.
A gasp slipped from me as I fell, leaves and twigs crunching beneath me. Scrambling to my feet, I looked around frantically, my stomach twisting when I caught sight of the pond. It looked deep, deadly, and cold.
“You sure about this?” Collin questioned, the unease evident in his tone.
“There’s not another option,” Foster replied from behind me. “She literally saw us murder someone.”
My heart started pounding dangerously and I shook my head profusely as realization started weighing down on me. They were going to drown me. I couldn’t swim.
“Please,” I said frantically. “I can’t swim.”
Myles snorted as they lowered Raven to the ground beside the edge of the pond. It looked more like a small cliff. Even if I managed to rise to the surface, there was no way I could climb my way back up. Not while trying not to drown anyways.
“That’s not what you have to worry about,” he pointed out, causing me to snap my head in his direction. “The piranhas and other fish will most likely take you out before you breach the surface. Especially when they smell all that blood on you.”
I shook my head again and started backing away from the water, but that only put me against Foster. Turning to him, I looked at him with pleading eyes.
“Please,” I begged. “Don’t do this. I’ll do anything you want, but just don’t do this.”
Foster placed a hand on either side of me and started walking me backwards, my heart jumping into my throat. “Your fate has been sealed,” he replied unapologetically.
“No—” My plea died on my lips when he shoved me, my arms flailing out around me. The sheet unraveled, leaving me bare once more as an ear-shattering scream pierced the air right before I crashed into the icy abyss.
Water flooded my system immediately and I clamped my mouth shut, gulping down what I’d already consumed. My arms and legs stopped working as the paralysis settled into my limbs, the cold numbing them.
When something brushed against my leg, Myles’ words echoed around my skull. Piranhas and other man-eating fish were in here with me. Deciding that drowning was probably better than being eaten alive, I opened my mouth and let the water in.
This was it. I was destined to die alone. No one has ever loved me, and now, no one ever would. I just hoped that Avery had a better go at it than I did. My eyes started to close as the icy water attacked me and before I knew it, everything went black.
My body jerked upright in bed, sweat coating my skin. All I could think about were those green eyes and that ear-shattering scream she made right before she was submerged beneath the water. My stomach curled with guilt. Why hadn’t I said anything? Part of me knew that her dying was for the best. But the other part of me didn’t see the point in it. We could have just blackmailed her or kept her locked up in the torture room. Something other than this.
It had been two days since we left her at that pond, and since then I’ve had nightmares. Killing her had been extreme, but it was no use going against them when you were in the minority. I had no doubt that they’d dispose of me next if they suspected I didn’t agree or wanted no part of it. Your life meant nothing here. Not to guys like Myles and Foster.
My stomach twisted as bile rose to the back of my throat. Jerking up into a sitting position, I grabbed the edge of the trashcan I’d stashed beside my bed and heaved into it. The smell of vomit coated the air, making me puke even harder. My nose and throat burned as the acidic liquid slithered through the narrow passageway and my eyes watered. I’d never killed anyone before. I’ve never wanted to. This shit was so fucked. Taking in slow, steady breaths, I finally managed to get it under control.
Pushing the trash can back against the wall, I slung my legs over the side of my bed and stood. There was no point in trying to go back to sleep now. I maneuvered my way over to the bathroom and got to work, brushing my teeth, making sure to rinse my mouth out multiple times.