Page 17 of Sinful Desires
The guys were already seated at our usual table when I dropped into the seat beside Hunter. I unscrewed the cap off my water and took a long drink before fixing my attention on the pizza in front of me.
“I got a glimpse of one of the new kids this morning,” Collin enthused. “She has long blonde hair.”
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Blonde is overrated. Either most of the female population has blonde hair or intends on dying it that color.” Foster nodded in agreement as he took a bite of his own food.
Foster was the first person I befriended when I got here. At first, we didn’t get along. He seemed too judgmental and uptight. But once I got to know him, he grew on me, and we’ve been solid ever since.
“Blondes are hot though,” Hunter chimed in with a raised eyebrow, challenging us to deny that claim.
“Ironically, you’re dating a brunette,” Foster countered. “So…they aren’t that hot if you believe Jessica is the hottest girl in school.” I snorted in amusement at their banter, earning me a glare from Hunter.
“Fuck off,” he grumbled. “What would you even know about girls anyways? Aren’t you immune to them?”
He scoffed, a grimace taking over his features. “I know plenty about girls, which is precisely why I’d rather cut off my dick than stick it in one of them.”
Growing up, girls would always say things like: I’m going to stay a virgin forever or Anal sex is gross. But more often than not, those same girls saying things like that are now the biggest butt sluts on campus. Foster was different though. He actually meant it when he said it. I didn’t know much about his childhood, or whatever demons he had hiding in his closet, but I knew that he was an orphan. Other than that, no one knew shit. It wasn’t like we all sat in a circle telling everyone about our feelings.
“Anyways…” Hunter continued, changing the subject. “Was she hot?”
I breathed a laugh before tuning them out as I returned my attention back to my food. The cheese melted on my tongue, and I washed it down with my water.
Screwing the cap back on, I absentmindedly glanced over, my brows furrowing as a purple-haired girl captured my attention. There was something vaguely familiar about her, but nothing about her looked familiar.
The girl was blocked from my view as Raven Shaw climbed into the seat next to her. There was a new girl with blonde hair, a new girl with purple hair, so…who was the third?
During English, I slipped into my usual seat near the back of the room. This was one of my favorite classes because Miss Raleigh let us do whatever the hell we wanted without even trying to stop it. Not that it mattered much, since we would have just done what we wanted anyways, but it made things easier. I also had this class with Hunter and Collin. At the beginning of the year, we tried to convince Foster to switch over to this class, but he said he’d seen enough of us on a daily basis as it was.
Our desks were pushed together in groups of four, which made socializing a lot easier.
Collin slumped into the seat next to mine, leaving Hunter to take the one across from us. I gathered my things that I’d be needing for this period and placed them all out on my desk. Just as I completed that task, I lifted my gaze just in time to see the girl with purple hair strolling into the classroom alongside Raven.
“Who is that?” Collin demanded, staring at her ass as she moved to a set of desks diagonal from us.
I shrugged. “One of the new girls obviously. I saw her in the cafeteria earlier.”
“And you didn’t think to point her out?” He asked incredulously.
A laugh escaped me at how dramatic he was being. “It’s just some chick, dude. I didn’t even think she’d be your type.”
Hunter stared after her thoughtfully. “She’s hot,” he admitted. “But I wouldn’t go further than fucking her once.” I nodded in agreement with that. She had an edgy look which I appreciated from time to time, but I was more into the innocent looking girls.
Collin balked. “She’s sexy as shit. Sexy is my type.”
“I thought blonde was your type,” Hunter pointed out with mock confusion plastered all over his face. I barked a laugh, earning some quizzical looks from a few students surrounding us.
Collin flipped him off before unloading the things from his bag and lined them up on his desk. When the bell rang, Miss Raleigh strolled to the front of the classroom. Rumor had it that she fucked some of her students, and I wouldn’t put it past her. She was always flirting with Hunter. A small smile tugged at my mouth. I wondered if she’d extend me the same courtesy—then again…I doubted that it would bode well with the school or the police if I carved up our English teacher.
As she started going on about some bullshit lesson, I found myself tuning her out. My mind drifted to my family. While I might not have been the best big brother they had, I never would have harmed them. Shasta was eleven now, and I hadn’t seen her since the night I’d been ripped out of my home two years ago. Not since that cunt decided to run her mouth. Vince was officially a teenager, and I was especially curious to see how he was doing now. Both of them really. Were they as messed up as me? Or was I the only bad seed in the household?
I remembered Shasta’s face when the police came. Her blue eyes were wide and fearful. Not of me for once…no. She was scared of what was going to happen to me. If there was one thing she never needed to fear, it was me. I might have threatened her, and scared her, but it was all a bluff.
I might have been fucked up in every sense of the word, but somewhere inside me was a beating heart. It didn’t love much, but it was there, and my family had a special place reserved right there within it.
Chapter 5
Blood, knife, tears, virginity, torture.