Page 19 of Sinful Desires
A slow smile twists her face, sending a shiver down my spine. It wasn’t a genuine smile. It was sinister and knowing. The kind of smile you’d assume the devil possessed.
“I’ll let Gia tell you. She knows more about it than I do.”
Way to leave a girl hanging. Now this was going to bother me. I could only imagine the horrible things they did in the dead of the night while everyone was presumed to be sleeping.
Did they mutilate animals? Once upon a time ago, I would have said that no one was that sadistic. But after seeing what I’ve seen over the last several years, it unnerved me that I couldn’t say that anymore and believe it. Maybe they murdered people. I could live with that a lot more than I could live with them hurting defenseless animals.
If they were anything like Myles, then there was no limit to things they were capable of. Rape. Pain. Marking a body as if it were no more than a canvas to be painted on.
“W-who are they?” I asked, swallowing the bile in the back of my throat as I shook those thoughts out of my head.
“Foster is the blonde one,” she replied immediately like she was expecting the question. “He hates the female population, and his hatred for them stems so deeply that he is willingly celibate.” My mouth popped open in surprise.
I remembered seeing him this morning before classes, and in my first period. He was easily one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen, and when his tongue jutted out of his mouth to swipe across his lips, the light reflected off his tongue ring just right, making my thighs quake.
“And the other two?”
“Collin is the athlete of the group. He’s captain of the soccer team, but he runs the entire thing. I’m not even really sure who the coach is.” She shrugged as if that was a normal fucking thing to do. Yeah. Just leave a messed-up teenager in charge of a damn soccer team. “Rumor has it that he’s amazing with his tongue too. Apparently, he went down on—”
I held up a hand, silencing her before she could complete that sentence. My nose scrunched up as images of him eating out some chick invaded my headspace. “I don’t need to know all of that.” She breathed a laugh and shot me a knowing smirk.
“And then there’s Hunter,” she continued. “The hottest of them all.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Biased much?” I wasn’t sure if she was being biased, but seeing them all now, I couldn’t tell you which one was hotter over the other. They all had their own unique look and were all sexy in different ways. As much as I hated to admit that.
She laughed and shrugged again. “We’ve been eye-fucking each other for a few days, but nothing serious.”
Hunter had chocolate, shaggy, brown hair, and matching eyes. He was one of the slimmer guys of the group right alongside Foster, but they were both lean and had clearly been sculpted from Greece or something.
A headache took root at the forefront of my skull, making me wince. All these thoughts that were taking up residency in my brain were swallowing me whole.
“Wait…don’t you have a class right now?” Raven questioned, furrowing her eyebrows as she glanced down at her phone screen.
“Just soccer,” I admitted carelessly, pinching the bridge of my nose while my headache intensified. Running around outside was the last thing I wanted to do right now. “What about you?” I forced, through gritted teeth.
“Nope. This is my free period.” She smiled—genuinely this time, as her eyes widened like she just realized something. “Hunter’s too,” she supplied. “And his girlfriend just so happens to have class. I might make a trip to his room.”
My lips parted in surprise. “He has a girlfriend?” I asked incredulously. I couldn’t judge her for fucking him despite it, when I’ve literally done the same thing and only a couple weeks ago, nonetheless. She just didn’t seem like the type.
She nodded and scrambled to her feet. “Yep. Oh, and Aspen,” she said as she started for the door. “Don’t make a habit out of skipping classes. They’ll eat you alive here if you aren’t careful.” She shot me a small smile before slipping out into the hall and leaving me to deal with my thoughts.
A small laugh bubbled out of me. Was she seriously on her way to go see Hunter? That didn’t seem like the smartest idea. Then again, she knew these guys better than I did, and she was a big girl.
I kicked off my shoes and burrowed my way under the comforter. When I closed my eyes, the ache inside my head dulled, giving me the tiniest bit of relief.
Despite being worn out and having a sore skull, sleep didn’t come easily to me. All I could think about was Myles, and what he’d do to me when he figured out who I was. As if those thoughts weren’t mind-boggling enough, my mind decided to flash to Avery, too.
I couldn’t help but wonder what she was like now. Was she strong and fierce? Was she surrounded by people that loved her? Did she even remember me, or think about me? My chest tightened as I internally cursed the bitch who brought us into this world only to throw us away like we were garbage.
One day, I would find that wretched cunt and destroy her for the hell she put me through.
My eyes burned, but what was crying going to get me? It certainly hadn’t done me any favors in the past.
After about thirty minutes of staring up at the ceiling, my body started to relax on the mattress as sleep approached me. I sighed and closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to seep in.
I awoke to the sound of someone calling my name. The voice was distant as it cut through my sleep, and as it got louder, my eyes snapped open. At first, everything was a blur of lights and nothing, but when my eyes adjusted, I turned my head to the side, pinning my gaze on Raven.
Squinting, I propped myself up on my elbows as I noted her standing at my bedside. “What’s going on?” I rasped; the sleep still clinging to me like a second skin.