Page 28 of Sinful Desires
The last thing I needed to be doing was checking out the school player who just so happened to be friends with the very person I despised more than anything.
With that thought in mind, I returned my focus to stretching, showing each leg the same amount of attention before moving on to my arms and doing the same thing.
Next, we moved on to the more physical stuff which consisted of squats, lunges, jumping jacks, and planks. After that, we ran a lap around the field before taking a water break and moving on to drills.
After practice, the first thing I did was shower. Raven was gone when I’d went to grab some clothes, so that gave me a chance to just relax and focus on getting cleaned up. My makeup was the last thing I worked on before slipping on my combat boots.
I released a loaded sigh as haunting images resurfaced reminding me exactly how ruthless and merciless Myles Patterson could be. Ever since I arrived here, he’d been on my mind more than usual. Three years ago, he’d ruined me and took what wasn’t his. He’s had time to change and grow. What if he was even worse than he had been back then? What if I truly didn’t make it out this time?
Chapter 9
My first official day of having a shit-ton of homework, and I couldn’t even work on it in my room because Gia was over. Not that I minded her being there or anything, but I was looking forward to working at my desk.
I glanced down, frowning at my history textbook. Why did teachers even feel the need to give out history homework in the first place? Stupid, sexy ass, Mr. Monroe. Raven had been right though. He was a hard ass. But I might have liked that about him.
Speaking of which…I still needed to speak to him. I made a mental note to do that tomorrow before tucking it away in the recesses of my brain.
I stared down at the pages sprawled out in front of me as I read the questions off in my head, and then I reread them out loud in a whisper. The last thing I needed was to get kicked out of the library. Finally, my hands gripped the book and slammed it closed as defeat washed over me and a frustrated sigh fell from my lips. This was completely hopeless.
If what Rebecca said was true, this was my only shot at succeeding. I needed this so badly. Not just for myself, but for my sister too.
After I finished with my homework—excluding history because fuck that class—I made my way back to my room, not surprised to find Gia and Raven perched on her bed like they had been when I left over an hour ago. Gia was the first to react to my appearance and she directed a lazy smile my way. Her eyes were glazed like she’d been smoking something that wasn’t tobacco and I had to fight the urge not to laugh.
“You were gone forever,” Raven whined, popping a Cheeto into her mouth, causing the bag to crumple.
“You were waiting for me?”
Raven popped a shoulder in a shrug like it was no big deal. But to me, it was. “The annual Halloween party is in a few weeks, and we have some serious shopping to do.”
How high was she? “We can’t leave campus,” I reminded her.
She just rolled her eyes in response. “Thank god for the internet then.”
Gia nodded in agreement with that as she started scrolling around on her phone, and when she was done, she handed it to me. “Here. Choose an outfit. Don’t worry about the price.”
My lips parted in surprise as I stared down at the foreign object in my hand. “I’m not going to take your hard-earned money.” I tried to give her back her phone, but she shook her head and refused to take it.
“You’re going to wish you had an outfit when the time comes.”
“I can just wear something from my closet,” I insisted. Taking her money would make me feel like the world’s shittiest human being.
She rolled her eyes and then leveled me with a hard look. “Just do it, Aspen. If you feel the need to pay me back for it later, that’s fine. Just quit being a stubborn bitch about it.”
I huffed a laugh and reluctantly nodded, taking her phone in my hands. She already had some app pulled up, and all I needed to do was search or scroll. There was nothing specific that I had in mind, but you could never go wrong with leather, so that’s exactly where I ended up.
My gaze snagged on a strapless leather top that contained a plunging neckline so deep that the swell of my breasts would be on display. I didn’t wear super revealing clothing aside from the obvious crop top and spanks for lounging around in. Other than that, I mostly dressed in leggings and T-shirts. But being underdressed also didn’t sound appealing. I added the item to the cart before searching for some bottoms that matched. It didn’t take long to find the perfect matching skirt to go with it, and I finished off the outfit with some fishnet stockings and some cat ears.
“Done,” I chirped, handing the phone back.
She plucked it from my hands before depositing it into her pocket. “Do you guys care if I crash here tonight?” she asked, tucking her legs beneath her.
“I don’t give a shit,” I remarked, knowing she’d probably end up in bed with Raven. It wasn’t like the beds weren’t big enough for two people.
“Neither do I.”
A smile stretched across Gia’s face, revealing a small dimple in the corner of her mouth. “Awesome. I’m going to run to my room and grab some things and I’ll be right back.” She shuffled off the bed and slipped out of the room.