Page 30 of Sinful Desires
She shrugged and leaned forward, clasping her hands together. “It’s pretty simple. I want to fight—preferably this weekend.”
A snort of laughter rumbled from my chest. I wasn’t even sure why this amused me. It had nothing to do with the way she looked. Hell, we had smaller girls in the ring who could lay some big ass guys out. Maybe it was the fact that she broke into my classroom before school hours, proceeded to grate on my ever-loving nerves, and then demanded I let her fight this weekend.
“Is that so?” I questioned, after composing myself.
The annoyed look on her face told me that she didn’t find this amusing in the slightest. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she stared at me with a blank look, and for some reason…my eyes tracked the movement.
Ripping my gaze away from her face, I clenched my jaw. There was absolutely no reason at all why I should have been looking at this girl any other way than as my student.
“Fine,” I decided, just wanting her out of here at this point. Be in the gym of the basement by six on Saturday. You won’t be fighting this weekend, but you will observe.”
An annoyed sigh fluttered past her lips, but she nodded in acceptance. “Fine, professor.” She pulled herself to her feet, a mischievous glint in her eye.
My eyebrows pinched in confusion. “I’m not a professor…”
She shrugged—completely unphased by that fact as she started working her way toward the door, striding backwards so she could keep those jade eyes pinned on me.
“I know. But it sounds much sexier than Mr.” And with that, she turned on her heels, showing me her back until she slipped out of the room altogether.
I tried my best to shake off my encounter with her and to not overthink any of it, chalking it down to her just being weird. With everything that’s already happened today, and first period hadn’t even started, my head wasn’t in the right place at the moment. First period hadn’t even started yet.
When lunch rolled around, I went back to my two-bedroom apartment located on campus, taking this opportunity to get away from the academy for a few minutes. Maybe my father was right. Nothing good would come from working at aa school for a bunched of messed up little shits.
Caroline was nowhere to be seen when I walked through the door, and relief trickled through me as I realized that I’d be completely alone for the next half hour.
I dropped my things off near the couch before venturing into the kitchen to fix myself a sandwich and a glass of Brothers Bond Bourbon. The smooth liquid slid down my throat, pulling a satisfied groan from my chest.
Working here wasn’t all bad though. The administrative department was quite lenient with me within reason. I couldn’t go around murdering little shit heads for sport—no matter how tempting that might be. But I got away with plenty around here.
Dropping down onto the beige sofa that my wife happened to hate, I took a bite out of my sandwich. Despite Caroline’s constant complaining, I happened to like it here just fine. The space was comfortable with soft colors and nice furniture. To me, this was home.
After I finished my meal, I rinsed my plate and glass off in the sink before placing them both in the dishwasher to be run tonight—otherwise it was never going to get done.
The rest of the day went agonizingly slowly. It was always the same; reprimanding assholes who believed that their fists could solve the problem to any equation.
After work, I found myself jogging around campus in an attempt to release some of this pent-up anger inside me. My mind was on anything but exercise though. My hands balled into fists as I pushed myself harder, making my lungs burn.
My parents were so proud of me for bagging such a woman. They brought it up enough. Maybe I should have been thrilled, and that there truly was something wrong with me. There were many guys who would sell their fucking kidney to date such a high-class broad. They’d keep her happy…for a while, until they got tired of having to work three jobs to satisfy her needs and still end up falling short. And if they didn’t end up leaving her for that, they would end up growing resentful, and their relationship would become toxic for both parties.
Despite complaining about my job all the time, I enjoyed it. There were some kids here who didn’t have a chance of becoming better and were just gliding by and going with the motions. But then there were the ones who really wanted to be better but had never been given the chance. I wanted to give them their chance.
My lungs seized as I came to a stop near the water fountain. Sucking in a few breaths of air, I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see Christine Raleigh running toward me.
My stomach lurched and I had to physically keep myself from running in the opposite direction. Her long ponytail swung from side to side as she gravitated toward me, until she finally reached her destination and came to a stop. She was dressed from head to toe in black athletic gear and smelled strongly of rose.
She plucked her earbuds from her ears and stuffed them into her pocket. “Well, hello there.” Her mouth stretched into a welcoming smile as she not-so-subtly looked me up and down.
Christine wasn’t ugly by any means. She had smooth, olive skin, dark brown eyes, and long, silky, brown hair. It was no secret that she had an attraction to some of her students—some of which were minors. Having an attraction to someone is one thing, but acting on it is completely different.
She took a step toward me, forcing me to take one back. Either she didn’t notice this, or just didn’t care, because she took another step in my direction, crowding my space.
“I didn’t expect to find you out here,” she continued. “Are you running for the exercise, or something else entirely?” The suggestive tone she was using indicated this was anything but a friendly, little chat.
“Just running off some steam,” I replied dryly, hoping she’d get the hint.
The corner of her mouth quirked into a sultry smile, and she reached out, running her index finger along the side of my arm. But it didn’t have the effect she was hoping for.