Page 40 of Sinful Desires
Her smile faded immediately. If it wasn’t okay for a random guy to run up and grab her, then why the hell was it okay for her to do it to me?
“I-I…” she stuttered. Her cheeks flushed crimson.
Jessica snickered from beside Hunter, reminding me of her presence, and forcing my teeth to grind against one another.
“Just go,” I snarled.
She didn’t hesitate before running off in the opposite direction with her friend in tow. I sucked in a few sharp breaths as I attempted to regulate my breathing. I didn’t have panic attacks often, but when they happened, they were horrible. My lungs screamed as they fought to pump air through my body and my stomach churned as my mind attempted to push old, traumatic memories to the forefront of my brain.
Hunter knocked his shoulder against mine, a look of concern pulling at his features. “You good?”
“Fine,” I lied. “I need to stop by the bathroom. Why don’t you guys just head to class.” Hunter and Myles exchanged looks, but before they had the opportunity to question me further, I was already striding away from them.
My nails bit into my palms and my heart felt like it was on the verge of combusting. When I made it to the bathroom, I sauntered over to the sink and turned on the water, splashing the cold liquid on my face and neck.
After a few more deep breaths, my heart started to slow, and it became easier to breathe. I peered through the mirror, my icy-blue eyes staring back at me. My sharp cheekbones stood out beneath the bright lighting, reminding me of just how thin I really was.
Clenching my eyes shut, another memory bulldozed its way out, forcing my body to tremble as I relived it.
A few years after Mike had forced me to touch that chick, my mom died. I’d been so confused, staring down at my mom’s lifeless body as she lay in the cheap ass casket when I didn’t shred a single tear. I thought for sure something was wrong with me. What thirteen-year-old didn’t cry at their mom’s wake?
Not even two years later, Mike came after me in one of his drunken stupors. So I grabbed the closest thing I could find for protection—which happened to be a steak knife—and I slashed his throat with it.
The relief I felt as the life faded from his eyes was tremendous. It was a freedom I’d never felt before. The homicide was easily proven to be self-defense. But that officially made me an orphan, and no one wanted to take a child who’d murdered his own parent in cold blood, regardless of the reasoning behind it. So, they stuck me here. And this is where I’ve been ever since.
Maybe I should have been angry about the shit hand I’d been dealt, but I wasn’t. Had things worked out any other way, I’d probably still be just as fucked up in my head, but alone. At least, here, I had a family. However corny that might have sounded, it was the truth. I’d die for them. I’d live for them. And I’d kill for them.
Chapter 13
Despite only having been here for a week, it felt like I’d already spent a month here. Not that I was complaining. This was still the most freedom I’ve ever had. On the bright side…it was officially Friday. I had every intention of staying locked away in my room all weekend and steering clear of Myles.
Speaking of Myles…
So far, he hadn’t followed up on that threat of his. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume he forgot all about it. The only indication that he was still mad at me were the dirty looks he’d shoot my way while passing. But I’d be stupid to believe he’d forgotten. Not if he’s held a grudge over it this long.
As I slipped into my usual spot in the cafeteria, I could already feel Myles’ glare burning a hole through me. I refused to give him satisfaction by looking his way, so I kept my eyes fixated on the table in front of me. Both Gia and Raven were nowhere in sight, leading me to believe that I must have been early—for once.
It didn’t take long before a figure slid into the seat across from me and a breath of relief fluttered from my lips instantaneously. But when my gaze zeroed in on the person across from me, I realized that they weren’t Gia’s almond-colored eyes staring back at me.
My lips parted in shock as I took him in, one feature at a time. He had shaggy, brown hair that matched his tan skin, and beautiful gray eyes.
Fixing a look of indifference on my face, I arched an eyebrow. “Can I help you?” Despite playing it cool on the outside, my heart was thrashing along to a deadly beat within my chest. I looked around the room once more, hoping to see Gia or Raven coming this way, but the only person that was paying me an ounce of attention was Myles.
“Maybe we can help each other,” he drawled in a southern accent, forcing my attention back to him.
I snorted at the corniness of that statement. “I highly doubt that.” His lips twitched in amusement.
“Hear me out,” he reasoned, leaning back in the seat adjacent to mine and making himself more comfortable.
“You’re obviously not going to give me much of a choice in the matter,” I retorted with an eyeroll. “So, what’s your pitch?”
This time it was his turn to roll his eyes. “Not a pitch,” he clarified. “It’s about your boyfriend over there.” He nodded his head towards Myles.
Tension coiled around my muscles instantly. “Did he send you over here?” My stomach knotted as anxiety rippled through me. Suddenly, it felt harder to breathe. My reaction must have amused him because his lips stretched into a wide, sadistic grin.
“Relax. I’m here to offer you protection. From him and his friends. If they’re after you, you’re going to need it.”