Page 42 of Sinful Desires
“Then stay,” she retorted in a nonchalant manner as if what she just proposed wasn’t insane.
I heaved a sigh of defeat, knowing she wasn’t going to let this go. The girl was practically obsessed with him. “Fine. He can come over as long as he doesn’t piss me off.”
A squeal tore from her throat, shattering my eardrums. She snatched her phone from beside her and pulled herself up into a sitting position before typing away at the screen vigorously. I snorted in amusement at her schoolgirl theatrics. He most likely wouldn’t be over until after dinner, so that gave me just enough time to get all of my schoolwork done so that I could enjoy the rest of my weekend in peace.
I slipped off the bed, grabbing my bag in the process, and moved over to my desk. It still felt weird to refer to anything in this room as mine. That included the things I brought with me. I fished out the items I’d be needing and organized them so that they were easily accessible. I pulled out my Geometry homework, and immediately got to work.
Fortunately, it didn’t take long for me to complete and then I was moving on to English. Once I was done, I shoved everything back into my bag.
Since I didn’t eat lunch, I grabbed something for dinner and headed back to my room, leaving Raven behind. I wanted to spend as much time away from the other students as possible—with the exception of my roommate and Gia.
Gia was more closed off than Raven and reminded me of me. She had a snarky, sarcastic attitude that I could get behind, and lacked a filter. I could see myself becoming good friends with her in the future. Raven, on the other hand, was outgoing, boy-crazy, and lacked morals. I did too though, so I couldn’t hold that over her head. She and Gia were just different. It was a wonder how they’d become such great friends in the first place.
I gathered my things so I could take a shower and headed off to do just that. By the time I returned to my room, Raven was back, standing in front of her closet with bunched eyebrows. Her face lit up when she saw me.
“Does this look okay?” she questioned. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts that showed off her thighs and had it paired with a white, long-sleeved crop top.
“Maybe change the shorts out with jeans,” I suggested, striding over to my side of the room, and opening my closet door. I deposited my dirty clothes on the floor and then closed the door once more.
She nodded in agreement. “Thanks.” Without warning, she started changing in front of me and snatched a pair of jeans out of her closet.
Just as I was making my way over to my bed, the door swung open, and Hunter strolled into the room like he owned the damn place.
“Remind me to start locking that from now on,” I told Raven who just laughed. Hunter’s lips twitched in amusement, his gaze darkening as he stared me down—like we shared a secret or something. In a way, I guess we did.
Peeling my gaze from his, I dropped down onto my bed and kicked my legs out in front of me. The regret of not having a phone hit me hard in this moment. What was I supposed to do now? Stare at the wall for the rest of the evening?
“Did you bring it?” Raven asked him excitedly as she bounced up and down, causing her large breasts to flop around everywhere.
He nodded and shrugged his bag from his shoulders before tossing it on the bed and unzipping it. He reached inside and pulled out a large bottle of whiskey along with some premade Jello shots.
He turned his head to look at me. “You can join too if you want,” he offered. “I have enough shot glasses to go around. You are doing us a solid after all.”
I huffed a laugh. “I’m doing her a solid. But yeah, I’ll join.” It had been a long time since I’ve consumed any kind of alcohol, and there was no way I was passing that up.
I brought myself to my feet and padded over to join Raven and her boytoy on the bed. The two of us sat with our backs facing my side of the room, while Hunter occupied the spot adjacent to us. He wasted no time before placing a glass in each of our hands and then started dividing the premade shots between us. His brown eyes locked with mine, causing my breath to catch in my throat. He threw his head back, downing one of the shots. His hair brushed across the nape of his neck with the movement, and in this moment, there was no denying how attractive Hunter Castillo was.
I followed suit, downing the entire thing. The liquid went down smoothly followed by the expected burn that ignited the inside of my body.
“Shit,” Raven hissed, clearly feeling the heat of the alcohol just as I had. I held my glass out toward Hunter, who obliged by refilling it for me.
I downed that one too and then started on the premade ones. Sticking my finger inside to scoop out the Jell-O, I leaned my head back and slurped it out of the container. The vodka was potent, making me scrunch up my nose as it trickled down my throat with the desert. Vodka wasn’t my go-to drink, but these were desperate times.
I held out my shot glass again, making Hunter laugh. The sound went straight to my core, causing my thighs to tighten with want. It didn’t take long for me to get drunk. My tolerance wasn’t very high due to the obvious fact of being unable to consume any for the last few months. I dug out my pack of cigarettes I kept stashed away for special occasions and offered them both one before taking one for myself.
None of us spoke as we puffed away. Once I’d finished smoking, I snuffed it out in my shot glass and sat it on Raven’s bedside table.
Hunter leaned forward—invading my personal space as he did—and tucked a strand of hair behind Raven’s shoulder. She grinned with hooded eyes and met him halfway, pressing her lips to his.
Figuring that this was my cue to leave, I slowly started to rise when someone grabbed me by the wrist, halting my movements. Frowning, I glanced down at the toned arm that could only belong to Hunter. Their lips were still locked, and my head was spinning from all of the alcohol. I sat back down, not having much choice in that matter.
When he finally broke the kiss, he glanced between the two of us. “How about a game of dare?” he proposed.
I pulled my hand from his and placed it in my lap. “Dare?” I repeated, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth from dehydration.
He nodded. “Yeah, like truth and dare, but with no truth.”
My eyes darted over to Raven who was already nodding in approval. From past experiences, truth and dare never bode well. I had a feeling that this other version of it wouldn’t either, especially since there were only three of us and Hunter and Raven just so happened to be a thing. But I also didn’t want to be the party-pooper either, so I nodded in agreement as well.