Page 56 of Sinful Desires
My breath caught in my throat as unwanted memories of Myles attacking innocent girls flashed through my mind. No one could stop him once he got started, and the last thing I wanted was for Aspen to become his latest victim. At least, in that regard.
“Maybe we should let her rest,” I offered. “She won’t be very fun to play with like this. We can start fresh tomorrow or something.”
“Yeah,” Hunter agreed, surprising me. He’d made it abundantly clear moments ago that he was all in on this. Why would he give a shit about letting her rest? Maybe he agreed with my reasoning. “It’s hard to concentrate with her naked and shit. Once she’s dressed and doesn’t look like a wet rat, I’m game.” Ah. There it is. The problem wasn’t that he cared for her or anything like that. It was that he couldn’t stop staring at her tits.
Myles and Foster exchanged looks before Myles rose, returning the knife to his pocket. “Fine.” His gaze slid to me, accusation swimming through his eyes. “Bring her food and something to wear. Don’t fuck her again. I’ll know.”
Of course, he would. However, I don’t think he had anything to worry about on that front. Pretty sure she’d never want anything to do with me after this.
“Isn’t she your pet?” I queried, turning to look at him. “Shouldn’t you be responsible for taking care of her?”
“Watch it,” he growled. “If it were up to me, she’d starve. You’re the one who decided to take over the ‘hero’ role. That makes you responsible for her well-being by default.” His upper lip curled, revealing his sharp canines. “Thanks for volunteering.” He shoulder checked me, forcing me back a step as he moved past me.
Foster was already locking the cell again before he moved toward me and dropped the key into my palm. Heaving a sigh, I stuffed it into my pocket and started for the exit.
My mind reeled as I made it through the tunnel and out of the passageway. How long did they plan on keeping her in there for? Would Myles just treat her the same as he treated all of his other victims? Nausea coiled around my gut at the thought. I shouldn’t give a shit. But for some reason, I do.
Stepping foot into the library, the heater engulfed me, licking my skin in a soothing manner as I moved through the building and stepped outside into the contrasting air.
A sigh tumbled from my lips as I came to a conclusion. If I had to play the part of the psychotic jock that just wanted pussy, then so be it. She’d hate me either way, and it was for the best. Maybe I’d go back to Madison.
Once I made it to my floor, I stopped by Aspen’s room and tried the doorknob. To my relief, it swung open. My gaze swept across the room, and it was easy to make out what side was Raven’s and what side wasn’t. Aspen didn’t strike me as the girly type, so I made my way over to the mundane side of the room and started rummaging through her closet. It didn’t take me long to find something decent. The girl did have a decent sense of fashion. I snatched a sports bra, crop top, leggings, spanks, and stuffed them into a small, black bag I located on the floor.
Slipping back out into the hall, I returned to my room and grabbed her leather jacket. For some reason, she seemed to be obsessed with this thing and it should keep her warm for the most part. I grabbed some of the snacks I bought yesterday along with vitamin water and placed them into the bag as well. I knew she couldn’t live off snacks, but lunch had already passed, and it would be a while until dinner.
I dragged my weight as I moved toward the dungeon again. While we’ve been down here a few times, I wasn’t overly familiar with the area. We only came down here when we needed more space, or access to more torture devices. Let’s just hope they didn’t decide to take her to the torture chamber down the hall from her cell.
Once the door opened, I slipped inside. I fished out my phone and turned on the flashlight so I could see through the darkness.
When I rounded the corner, my gaze automatically sought Aspen out. She was staring at the burn marks all over her body. When her fingers touched the one on her thigh, a hiss slipped from her lips, and she removed her hand from the burnt flesh.
“I brought you some things,” I said, my voice echoing through the room. Her head snapped in my direction instantly, fear written into her features. When she realized it was just me, the fear disintegrated, and repulsion took its place.
I opened the cell door and stepped inside, pulling it closed behind me. Her upper lip peeled back as she scooted away from me on her hands and ass, to put more distance between us.
Throwing the bag beside her, I turned to leave, when her words caught me off guard. “You’re friends with Myles,” she whispered more to herself than to me. I didn’t bother moving to face her. A humorless laugh tumbled from her lips. “I should have known that you wouldn’t be any different.”
“Are you surprised?” I snorted. “You’re at a school for troubled teenagers. What the fuck did you expect?” Tilting my head, I glanced at her over my shoulder. Her jaw was twitching as she clamped her teeth together. There was no need for her to say anything though; I knew exactly what she was thinking. She’s regretting last night, and probably wished she could take it back. Then again, she had been the one hell-bent on getting dicked down. So that was on her.
When she still refused to comment on that, I turned to face her at last. “You don’t get it do you?” I questioned, taking a step forward. “I don’t understand why you’re mad at me, when you can obviously see that this is out of my control. The only logical reason as to why you’d be pissed, specifically at me, is because maybe you liked me.” I paused, searching her face for any sign of that being the case. Still, she remained silent. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” I continued, venom slithering through my words. “Everything between us was planned. The flirting, saving you, fucking you, and now this.” I waved my hand around the room for emphasis. “I’m no prince charming. I’ll do whatever I need to in order to get what I want. Now that I have, you mean nothing.”
Betrayal flashed through her eyes along with pain. Despite the unwanted feelings she was drowning in, understanding seeped into her expression and she nodded through it as she accepted it for what it was. She’d been played, and was nothing but a warm hole for me to sink my dick in. Well, that’s what she thought anyways.
This time, she said nothing as I spun on my heels and made my way out of the cell.
As soon as I made it back to my room, I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower. I attempted to block out any unwanted thoughts or memories that fought to resurface as I lathered shampoo into my hair. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. When I closed my eyes, her green ones stared back at me—full of malice, betrayal, and pain. It shouldn’t have bothered me like it did.
A sigh of frustration left me as I continued washing up and stepped out of the tub, wrapping a towel around my waist. Drifting into my room, I dried off and got dressed. Now I was alone again. My hands snaked through my caramel-colored hair as I pushed it out of my face.
Classes were over by now and dinner would commence in a couple hours give or take. I’d already canceled practice for the day, so there wasn’t anything for me left to do—aside from keeping Aspen alive.
A nap sounded more than appealing, but I knew that if I laid down to take one, I wouldn’t be getting any sleep. My mind was racing and the events of what happened today were eating away at the recesses of my mind.
Deciding to visit Foster, I grabbed my hoodie off the floor and tugged it on over my head. Maybe I’d be able to talk some sense into him or something. Usually, Foster was good at controlling his impulses and even his anger sometimes. However, I saw the excitement in his eyes when he held her against him and when he burned her. He loved it as much as Myles did. As much shit as Foster spouted about hating women, there was no mistaking the way his gaze traveled down her naked body when he thought no one was looking.
Once I reached his door on the top floor, I didn’t bother knocking before barging in. By the looks of it, he’d just gotten out of the shower too. His hair was damp, and he’d been moving toward his bed when I entered. His gaze snapped over to mine, but he didn’t look surprised in the slightest upon seeing me.
“It’s done.” I kicked the door closed behind me and took a few steps toward him.