Page 6 of Sinful Desires
“Fuck off,” I retorted. “Give me one.” I held out my hand, and he placed a cigarette between my fingers. Sticking it in my mouth, I lit it, and took a long inhale.
As much as I hated to say it, Hunter and I were probably the closest to one another in our little group. The other two held just as much value and carried their weight in different ways, but one of them was an impulsive psychopath, while the other one fucked anything that looked the slightest bit appealing. Hunter was a fuckboy too, but he knew when to get down to business—which was something the other two lacked.
My mind raced as the drug reached its peak and suddenly, I was floating. “I’m burning up,” I muttered, as I struggled to peel my shirt from my body. “Fuck. Can we go outside or something?” I took another pull from my cigarette, sucking in as much smoke as possible before exhaling.
“Soon,” he assured me. “We just have to—”
His sentence was cut short by the door opening and closing and a breath of relief whooshed out of me. “Thank fuck,” I grumbled. “Took you guys long enough.” I leveled them with a glare and flicked the butt of the cancer stick, causing ashes to tumble into the small bowl.
“Sorry.” Collin shrugged, not looking the least bit empathetic. “We’re here now.” The two of them approached my bed and took their spots on the edge, making it dip down at my side.
“It was Collin’s fault,” Myles accused, shooting him a pointed look. “I practically had to rip him off of Madison.”
Hunter snorted at that, amusement swirling within his eyes. “Did you get to see her tits?” he asked, wagging his eyebrows. He took a drag of his own cigarette, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he blew out the smoke.
“Yeah, they were alright.” His mouth twisted into a smirk. “I’d rather see Jessica’s though.” Hunter scowled at him, reaching for the bottle of water and chunking it at Myles.
Myles barked a surprised laugh, but managed to dodge it, causing the bottle to just miss him, and hit the wall with a thud.
“Quit screwing around,” I snapped, growing antsier by the second. My hands opened and closed multiple times as they yearned to do something. “Or we’ll leave without you.”
This seemed to grab their attention, because now they were all looking at me. “Where are we going?” Collin asked, reaching across the bed, and snagging a cigarette out of Hunter’s pack.
“I don’t know yet. Away from here.” I motioned around my stuffy room. I had one of the nicest rooms on campus; we all did. It was one of the only rooms that came with its own shower. Since we were earning the school money by participating in their illegal fights that they had every week, they gave us special perks.
Myles took the pipe and lit it. His eyes glazed over as soon as he inhaled, and his face turned pink. He offered it to Collin, who just shook his head.
“I’m trying to stay away from the harder stuff,” he explained.
I snorted at that. “Since when?” Collin was just doing this with us a few weeks ago; he wasn’t complaining then.
“Since I got my ass handed to me in that ring.”
Hunter burst out laughing, with Myles following suit. My lips twitched as I tried to contain my own laughter as the memory of that fight resurfaced. Collin had looked rough. He’d stayed up all night high as shit, lost ten pounds overnight, hadn’t eaten anything, and was then facing the repercussions of a comedown. He got punched once and was done for.
Within fifteen minutes, Hunter and Myles were both blazed out of their minds.
I threw on a clean shirt, pairing it with my dark, green jacket. I was burning up, but I know when we made it outside, I’d feel differently.
“Did you hear?” Myles asked, throwing an arm around Collin’s shoulders. “We’re supposed to get three new students next week.”
My eyebrows pinched in confusion. “We never get new students,” I pointed out, warily.
Most people didn’t even know this place existed. It was privately funded by the government as some kind of twisted experiment. They also earned money from the illegal fights that took place down in the basement, and through exclusive galas.
Myles nodded. “I know, but that’s what Ms. Raleigh was talking about earlier.”
Collin and Hunter were busy putting everything away, and once they finished, they scrambled from the bed and moved toward the door where they waited for the two of us. A frown tugged at my mouth as I mulled over what Myles had just said. It wasn’t like we never got new students; we just never got clusters of them at a time like this.
After a few long moments, I led the way into the hallway. “That’s weird,” I finally said, my mind refusing to let it go even though there were a million other things racing through my head right now too.
“Not really,” Collin intervened once we reached the elevator. “This place wasn’t going to stay top-secret forever, not with how many people know about it already.”
When the elevator door slid open, I was the first to step inside. “Fuck,” I hissed as warmth flooded my body, making a beeline for my dick. That was one downside of getting high; it always made me horny and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Correction: there wasn’t anything I was willing to do about it. Except stare at my wall and try to jerk off from the mere sensation of it, but that was getting harder and harder lately.
The elevator shot down, causing my stomach to twist with unease. Luckily, there weren’t many floors, so it didn’t take us long to reach the first one, and when we did, we all shuffled out onto the marbled floors.
“I don’t feel so good,” Hunter said, clutching his stomach as the drug did its job of tying it in knots. “I’m starving, but the mere thought of food makes me want to puke.”