Page 66 of Sinful Desires
“Aspen and Foster, see me after class,” I instructed before returning to the stack of papers in front of me.
I continued grading until the bell rang in which I rested my pen on top of the stack of papers and folded my hands together. Once everyone filed out of the room except for the two students Id requested, I turned to them. Slowly, they approached.
“Foster,” I started. “Do you remember our conversation last week about tutoring?”
When he nodded, I turned to Aspen. “You mentioned needing a tutor, and Foster happens to have the highest grade in this class,” I explained.
“He’s supposed to tutor me?” she snapped. “There’s no one else?”
Internally groaning, I pinched the bridge of my nose. All I wanted was to jack off before my next class rolled around and they were taking up all my time.
“What’s the issue?” I demanded through clenched teeth.
“Aside from the fact that he’s a sexist dickwad? Nothing.” Folding her arms across her chest—which only pushed her breasts up and made her cleavage visible—she leveled me with a sharp glare as if it was my fault that he was a douche.
It took an immense amount of will-power to refrain from glancing at her tits.
“What if I don’t want to tutor her?” Foster demanded, arching an eyebrow.
“You agreed to do it,” I reminded him.
He heaved a sigh, frustration etched into his pretty-boy features. “That was before I knew it was her. She fucks anything that walks, and I’m not interested in being her latest victim.”
Snapping her head in his direction, Aspen shot him a deadly glare. “Like I would want to do anything with you.”
“Enough,” I snapped. “No slut shaming in my classroom,” I ordered, shooting Foster a pointed look.
“You’re the teacher,” she said, drawing my attention back to her. “Can’t you tutor me?”
Blowing out a breath, I slumped back in my seat. “You guys take up too much of my time as is, why would I want to offer you more?” Not only did I not want to be around students during my free time, but I only had her for an hour a day and it was difficult to keep my eyes from wandering when she dressed the way she did. I didn’t want to put myself in a position that would test my honor.
“Please?” She jutted out her lower lip and widened her eyes into puppy-dog ones.
Groaning, I ran a hand through my brown hair and nodded. I couldn’t exactly turn someone away who genuinely seemed like they wanted to improve. “Fine,” I caved. We’ll start next week.”
Her shoulders sagged with relief as the tension rolled out of her limbs. Without another word, they both started for the door and slipped out into the hall. Unfortunately, the bell rang just as they left, meaning I had no time to myself at all.
Students trickled in and filled up the seats. I gave them the same lecture as my previous class and then continued grading papers. Every now and then, I hated my job. Sometimes the students really tested you and I often wondered if it was even worth it.
When lunch rolled around, relief consumed me. This ensured that I’d at least get the next forty minutes to myself. Sinking down into my chair, I leaned back and unfastened my jeans. Lifting my hips to tug them down my thighs, I reached into my boxers and grabbed my length.
I didn’t make a habit out of doing this. When I was working, Caroline was gone, and when I was home, she decided to be too. It also didn’t help that she was never in the mood, and the last thing I wanted to do was pressure her. But I had needs and couldn’t do this with her around.
I was already as hard as a fucking rock as I took myself in my hand and started pumping my hand up and down. My breathing labored from the sensation and my eyelids hooded.
I tried to focus my mind on something—anything to make this go faster. I just needed a quick release. But the first thing that popped into my head was a pair of bright green eyes. Eyes that just so happened to belong to one of my students.
A fantasy wasn’t harmful to anyone though, right? It’s not like anyone would ever find out about it. My breathing intensified as I stroked myself harder, picturing those green eyes staring deep into my own as she shifted forward, revealing the top of her breasts. I wonder what she’d look like without anything on at all—sprawled across my desk as I pounded into her. As I tasted her pussy.
This was so fucked up. I was so fucked up. Maybe working here was beginning to mess with my head, because never in a million years would I have ever considered doing anything like this.
A grunt left me as I neared my orgasm, but right before I could finish, the door to my classroom swung open, making me freeze.
Caroline smiled at me from the doorway before sauntering into the room and losing the door behind her. A brown paper bag was clutched between her fingers as she drifted toward me.
Pulling myself into an upright position with a racing heart, I pushed myself against the desk as far as possible, barely giving myself enough room to breathe. My dick pulsed with the need to cum and a sexual frustration that I’d never had before clawed its way to the forefront of my being.
“Hey honey,” she cooed.