Page 26 of Werewolf Heart
She has a hand over her eyes, but she's peaking as he asks her this. Sara bites her lip, and he resists the urge to kiss her. She nods, exhales.
“Please, Rob,” she says, quietly. “Will you please e-eat me? Please. It feels good.”
“I know it does,” he says, just to be mean. He pulls her open with two of his fingers, stares at her lovely dark lips and pretty pink opening. It’s gushing. “Look at you, you’re dripping. Just from a few kisses. So cute.”
“Rob,” she moans.
Uh, who knew she was into this kind of thing.
“Shush, don’t worry.” Robert leans in, kisses her opening, chuckling as she squirms. Then, slowly, moves his tongue around the hood of her swollen clit, pulling it into his mouth. He sucks. Sara’s legs almost kick him but he holds them down. She moans his name again and again, higher higher. He lets go. She hits the cushion. He kisses her thigh. “I’ll take care of you, don’t worry.”
“You better!”
Robert grabs her knickers with the intention of sliding them off, but he rips them instead. They both stare at the ruined pair. Sara laughs first.
“Holy shit!” She says, giggling.
“I-I didn’t mean to!”
“Fuck, Rob. You really let yourself go there.”
“I swear I didn’t mean to!”
“It’s okay! It’s just a pair of knickers.” She clutches his arms, pulls him down. Sara smiles that gentle way to calm his nerves. “Besides, it was hot.”
For some reason, he grows embarrassed. “Really?”
“Fuck yeah." She kisses him on the nose. It makes him blush. “You can buy me a new one. After you get me off.”
“So bossy.”
“You love me bossy.”
“Yeah, I do.” Robert kisses her neck, nibbles the skin there, groans as Sara gasps at the bite. “But I also love you needy.”
He travels down, leaving wet kisses over her dark skin. He touches her beauty marks, almost mesmerised by them. Then lifts up her jumper to leave another mark on her belly.
“You really want to eat me, uh?” She says, out of breath.
Robert arrives at her centre. In an act of indulgence, he licks her whole cunt, savouring Sara as much as he likes.
“I want to devour you,” he groans, pulling her lips apart to suck on her labia better. “I want to have your cunt for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Holy fuck. You have no idea what you’ve been doing to me. I’ve been going mad just picturing you like this, with my head between your legs. I don’t ever want to leave, Sara. God. All I need is your pussy and your mouth and your voice. Give me that and I’ll die happily giving everything you fucking want.”
Her hand caresses his hair, massaging his scalp as he goes back to her clit, licking and sucking, but he stops as she gently pulls him back. Her face is one of both pleasure and emotion. She takes a deep breath.
“All I want is you, you idiot.”
Robert is hit by a bus of yearning. A different kind of hunger, one born from devotion and adoration. He grabs her hand, kisses her palm. He rests his head over her thigh, breathing in her scent and musk. He hears her heartbeat; beating the same quick pace as him.
“I love you,” he says, doesn’t regret it. “I really do.”
“Oh, Rob.” Sara caresses his hair again, so comforting and gentle he closes his eyes. “I love you too, you dim-wit.”
Robert is glad he has his eyes closed because he can feel them water, and right now he would like to eat out the love of his life, not bawl and weep over this overflowing happiness.
“Okay,” he says, exhales. “Time to eat.”