Page 67 of Champion
“Maybe,” I said slowly. “What’ll happen if I do?”
“Not something I’m going to discuss in front of my daughter.”
“Oh.” And oh my, yes. I was for whatever he had in mind. But there was something that had to be said. “You can’t seriously be okay being seen out in public with someone who’s the same age as your daughter?”
“I’m okay with you,” he said firmly. “I’m better than okay when I’m with you.”
Whoa. My eyes widened. I was better when I was with him too.
“I’ve been alone a long time.” His handsome features firmed, reminding me how he looked on game day. “I don’t like it. And I couldn’t be happier that my circumstances have changed, in more ways than one.”
He shifted to look at his daughter.
“I don’t have any experience being a dad. My old man sucked at it, but I did have my mom. She was a loving, generous woman. So, if it’s okay with you, I’m going to try my best to be like her with you. I hope you’ll give me a chance. I want to get to know you better, to be a part of your life. If you’ll allow me.”
“I’ll allow it.” Ally’s lips slowly curved. Her eyes glistened like his. “But do I get to call you Dad?”
He grinned. “I don’t deserve the title, but I’d love that.”
“You sure you don’t want to keep me a secret?” She squinted at him and tilted her head.
“I do not,” he said without hesitation. “I want everyone to know I have a daughter as amazing as you.”
“Okay.” Her lip curve transformed into a blinding smile. “I’ll go get dressed, Dad. See you in a few, Dad.” She headed toward her bedroom, blowing him air kisses over her shoulder. It seemed like her feet barely touched the floor.
“She’s the best,” I said to fill the sudden silence after Ally shut her door.
“She thinks you are.” Champion’s voice deepened. “We talked quite a bit about you. Ally told me your concerns about us.” He closed the distance between us with intent. “The only one that holds any merit in my mind is your age.”
“I’m a lot younger than you,” I said softly.
“I couldn’t give a flying fuck how old you are. Age is just a number. It’s who you are inside that matters. If you’d asked me, I would have told you that.”
Inside, I spun like a ballerina. Ally wasn’t the only one dealing with a world that had suddenly gone topsy-turvy.
“But you want a family.” I threw that out. “And you’re a football star. I’m a stripper.”
“I want you, Electra.”
He drew me into him. Warmth swirled around me, and the spinning stopped.
“I want the dream, all the good stuff. I feel like I lost a part of myself all those years ago when I headed down the road my old man chose for me, instead of the one I wanted. With you, I feel like I have a chance to change that.”
Light beamed from his eyes as he gazed down at me.
“I want more nights like the one we had. Mornings with you staying in my bed. Days and days, months, and if we’re lucky, years of us building something brilliant together.”
“Wow,” I said softly.
“That was my first thought when I saw you in that tree, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Only in that I’m more certain, more in awe of you. Are we clear that we’re going ahead?” He searched my eyes. “I want us on the same page.”
“We’re clear.” My lips started tingling like the rest of me as his gaze dipped to my mouth.
“Fucking finally,” he mumbled.
Framing my face, he dipped his fingertips into my hair. My whole body went fizzy like a champagne bottle that had been shaken.
“Yes, finally.” I placed my hands on his solid chest. It felt like forever since he’d kissed me. His heart thumped steadily beneath my palms.