Page 77 of Champion
The interior of the SUV went silent. I could hear the expectant beats of my heart pulsing in my ears.
“Time is precious,” I said. “At my age, I realize that more than you. The goal from here on out is making the most of every single moment. Living life to the fullest with the people who make it feel full. I want all the precious moments I can get with you two. That means keeping you close, yeah?” I glanced at Electra first.
“Time is precious.” Her eyes shimmering like stars, she nodded. “I agree.”
“Good.” We would talk more about the specifics that I had in mind for us later. For now, she got my point, a very important one.
“Agree?” I unfastened my seat belt and turned to look at Ally.
“You’re right, Dad.” Her gaze was shiny with emotion, like mine and her friend’s. “That’s basically the same advice I gave Electra this morning.”
“It’s settled then.” I glanced at Electra.
There was a stubbornness to her lifted chin that told me I had more convincing to do. So be it. I would convince her.
“Stay put,” I told Ally. “Let me let Electra out of the vehicle, then I’ll come around to your side and help you with the cat.”
“His name is Mr. Smooches,” she reminded me unnecessarily. As if I could forget an embarrassing name like that. Poor creature.
“Not calling him that.”
I got out and rounded the hood. Opening Electra’s door, I put my hands on her waist, bringing her talented feet down to the pavement. The SUV had automatic running boards that she could have used to step down out of it, but I didn’t want her to use them. I wanted to touch her.
As I let her slide down my front, her flowery citrusy fragrance washed over me. Predictably, my cock went from the semi it nearly always was in her presence to steel-rod hard. Ignoring my body’s demands, but only for the moment since I had plans for later, I skimmed my knuckles across her soft cheek.
“Me and you later in the bedroom,” I murmured near her ear.
A beautiful blush warming her cheeks, she nodded.
Making my way around the rear bumper, I popped open Ally’s door. “Ready to see your dad’s house?”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
The cat meowed.
“Quiet, Sir,” I told him, and he gave me an imperious look.
I’d given the feline some scratches on his ear and under his chin back at the girls’ apartment when we’d swung by for their stuff. The Persian had taken to me immediately. Of course he had. He was a smart cat.
“Sir isn’t his name.” Rounding the hood, Electra wrinkled her cute nose.
“It’s what he prefers I call him. Us males stick together,” I said, my tone light. “You girls are on your own with the other.”
“Okay, Dad.” Ally looped her arm around one of mine.
It must be said that I liked how readily she accepted me. I didn’t have any experience being a father, but I was dedicated to being who she needed. I think that counted for something.
Electra came closer, lightly curling her fingers around my other arm. She wasn’t fighting me anymore, but she wasn’t fully committed. She’d had and lost love that made life precious. Afraid to lose it again, she was reticent and cautious.
I understood that. I would be firm, but I’d also have a care.
Ally, from what I could gather, had been completely denied love. Having only one neglectful parent and a string of uninterested stepfathers, her background was like mine. We were two needy souls. I refused to deny my daughter any affection.
“Can you get my phone out of my front shirt pocket?” I asked Electra when we reached the locked slider behind the house.
“Sure.” She grazed my right nipple with her blunt nails pulling it out.
I felt that graze in my cock. I gave her a hungry look. Intentional or not, she’d pay for that tease later.