Page 12 of Riding Cowgirl
I glance back through the window of the run-down motel where I was finally alive again. Now, instead of shadows of aliens on the wall, there’s a shadow of the giant man I’m most definitely in love with. They’re dragging him out, and landing blows into his body every time he resists. I have to do something.
“Officer, I hate to do this, but I’m going to piss myself. Is there anyway possible I can sneak off for a second and get some relief?”
He shakes his head. “Better not, miss. The station is only ten miles up the highway here. We’ll—”
I twist my legs together and bounce in place as though it’s an absolute emergency. “I won’t make it. I have awful bladder control. Please! I’d hate to have an accident in your car. Plus, I think my time of the month might be here and—”
“Go. You have three minutes. And don’t go far. God knows what animals are out there this time of night.”
I nod and rush off into the darkness. Whatever’s out there can’t be nearly as bad as whatever Johnathan has planned. I need to contact Rugged Mountain MC somehow. Hopefully, they’re as great as Tex says they are. If they’re not… I don’t know what’s going to happen.
Chapter Six
“I’m going to kill him!”
Chap stares back at me with a sense of reasoning I’m not ready to see. “You’re lucky your girl called us. These cops had no intentions of letting you call out for help.”
I snarl, knowing‘the asshole’put them up to all this. “I’m not lucky until we know where the fuck Sierra is. We need to get out and look.”
I don’t know how she pulled it off, but somehow, she managed to get away from the police, find out information about Rugged Mountain MC, and call them. I’m thankful and really fucking proud, but I’d be happier if she was already in my arms.
“Why’d you kidnap her?” Chap is asking too many questions.
“She wanted to be with me. I wasn’t forcing anything.” I pull my keys from my jeans and head toward Knight. He’s been leaning against the truck for the better part of this conversation. He’s a man of few words, but he gets shit done, and I’m glad Chap brought him. If I’m going after Sierra, I’m going to needrealbackup. Chap is a rational man who prefers to talk through things. That’s not where I’m at, so give me Knight.
“Stop for a second.” Chap grips my arm. “You’ve gotta be smart about this. You can’t go riding around out into the middle of nowhere, thinking you’ll find her. If she’s smart, which it seems like she is, she’s probably hidden in the bush somewhere, or she’s found her way out of town. We need to find out where that call came from last night and go from there. I have the guys looking into it.”
I laugh and smack his shoulder playfully before turning away. “You don’t know me as well as I thought you did, buddy. I’m not sitting on my hands. Call me if you hear anything. Until then, I’ll be doing circles around the area, hoping I find something.”
“You see Knight over there sulking?” Chap reaches for my arm again. I appreciate the man coming out here and posting bail, but he’s really starting to piss me off.
I turn back toward him, tightening my jaw. He’s in his early fifties and he’s covered head to toe in ink, some newer and some faded. His hair is gray, but his beard is long and peppered with black. The man has been the voice of reason for our MC since before I came along, and usually, I respect everything the man has to say… just not today. “I’m in a hurry.”
“I know, but hear me out.” He brushes his hand back through his hair. “Knight has his own world of trouble. He took in a girl last week. She’s pregnant, young, and lost.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because despite all he has going on, he’s here… because this brotherhood of the MC is a family. If you go starting shit with some asshole, we’re going to finish it. Are you ready for what that means for everyone involved?” The way Chap stares at me, I know right well what he’s thinking. Rugged Mountain MC has always been civilized, except for when it comes to protecting our own. When one of our guys is in trouble, all bets are off, and we usually win. “The first place we should look for your girl is with your brother. Don’t you think? He has the resources. I’m sure he’s had men out here looking all night long.”
I drag in a deep breath and stare back at Chap. “You guys go home. I can find her. Call me when you know where she made that call from.”
“I think I have stock in this,” Knight chimes in. He’s about my size but he’s a few years younger. I believe he’s forty this year. His beard is close cut, and he wears a baseball cap backward nearly every time I see him. He’s also never smiling.
“How so?” I cock my head to the side. I have little interest in anything but finding my girl, but it seems I’m not getting anywhere until I let these two finish talking. The sooner it’s over, the faster I’m out of here.
I huff and fold my arms over my tightening chest. Anything could have happened to her out there. She could be lost somewhere, or worse, she could have been found by the wrong people. I won’t know anything until I’m out there trying to find her.
“The pregnant woman I’ve found is—”
“Tex?” A soft voice echoes behind me and every nerve in my body dissolves at once. I turn toward the voice and see her standing there like a broken mirage. The woman I’ve been chasing for years.
Tears stream down her face. My t-shirt is torn and ragged on her frame. She’s barefoot, scratched, and covered in dirt.
I rush toward her, lifting her curved frame into my arms. Knight and Chap grab water bottles from the truck. She drinks them quickly, but she’s weak. “How did you get here?” As I wait for an answer, I guide her toward the truck, desperate to hide her before the police notice she’s rolled up out of nowhere. Truthfully, they’ve probably noticed already.