Page 15 of Riding the Waves
Damian sighed. “Get a drink first. You’re all sweaty.” He reached over and ruffled Marty’s hair. “Do you want to get a drink too?”
After a moment’s hesitation, he released Scarlett’s hand and followed his brother.
“How did it go?” Damian asked Scarlett.
“Good.” She’d dropped her gaze to her feet.
“Dad,” Marty said, appearing beside Damian and taking his hand. “Can you come with me to get a drink? Billy says he’s going to spray me with the tap.”
“I’ll be back in a sec,” Damian said, flashing Scarlett a reassuring smile even though she was still staring at the sand.
Left alone, the silence between the two women was intense. At least now that Amy knew Scarlett was autistic it helped to understand her better.
She also suspected she’d seriously misjudged her. Especially when it came to her ability to look after her children.
“Did Marty stay with you the whole time?” Amy asked, breaking the silence.
“Yeah.” Scarlett dug the toe of her shoe into the sand. “Next time I’ll encourage him to join in more. It was only because it was the first time and everything was new. He’ll probably feel better about joining in next time.”
“I think you’re right.”
Scarlett lifted her chin a fraction. “Sorry about the other day.”
“Maybe we should just forget about it,” Amy suggested.
“That’d be nice.” Briefly, Scarlett met her gaze. “I’m not good at forgetting the times I say something wrong or do something stupid. It sticks in my head.”
“I know that feeling,” Amy said wistfully. “It happens to me a lot. Like my own brain hates me and wants to torture me.”
“Exactly!” Scarlett’s whole demeanour changed when she smiled. “By the way, I won’t say anything to Damian about you not getting paid at the publishing company. Lizzie told me not to mention it.”
“Thank you.”
They fell silent again as Damian approached with Marty still holding his hand.
“I’ve got a surf lesson today,” Marty told Scarlett.
“That’ll be fun,” she said.
His eyes narrowed as he edged away from Damian and closer to Scarlett. “I don’t think I want to do it.”
Amy was about to jump in with some words of encouragement, but Scarlett crouched to Marty before she could open her mouth.
“Why not?” she asked.
“I don’t think I’ll be very good at it.”
“Nobody’s good at anything to start with. That’s why you have lessons.”
“I might fall off, though.”
“You probably will, but it’ll still be fun.”
“Can you stay and watch me?”
“I have to go to work now. But I’ll come another time and you can show me how good you are.”
“Okay.” He beamed at her. “I’m going to dig with Billy now.”