Page 33 of Riding the Waves
Emily beamed. “This is coming from the person who asked me to write the sex scenes for her books not so long ago!”
“That was before,” Scarlett said, exasperated.
“Can we keep on track here?” Lizzie said lightly. “I would like to get home sometime today.”
Amy tapped her fingers on the arm of the couch. “Surely the cover and description would indicate the heat level of a book.” She looked to Scarlett. “That guy from the Winter Wishes cover would fit really well for Mr Millionaire. Put a different scenery behind him, or even just some kind of blurred lights or an abstract background. Keep the focus on him.”
“It would look amazing,” Scarlett said. “And it would be an easy sell. We’d have to change him to a billionaire, though … nobody wants a lowly millionaire in their romance novel.”
“Scarlett,” Emily said. “Can you please not get carried away? Erotica is a no at the moment.”
“I have another idea,” Scarlett said eagerly, at which point Lizzie and Emily both seemed to deflate. “How about we set up an imprint … so it would look like the steamy romance titles were being published by a different company altogether.”
“Could you do that?” Amy asked.
Scarlett nodded. “All the big publishing houses do it. Plus I have a great idea for a name.”
“Here we go again,” Emily said.
Ignoring her completely, Scarlett shifted to direct her attention solely at Amy. “I want to call it Scarlett Ink … Ink like the printing material, but it sounds like inc as in incorporated.”
“That’s good,” Amy said, impressed.
“It’s perfect for publishing erotic books,” Scarlett added.
“Yes! It makes me think of a scarlet woman or The Scarlet Letter. I think it’s a great idea.” Her smile faded as she looked around. “Sorry,” she said to Lizzie and Emily. “I might be getting carried away again.”
“No, no,” Scarlett said, her tone part smug and part amused. “All opinions are welcome!”
“Maybe you’re not so helpful after all,” Lizzie said, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “When our discussions ended in two votes to one, it was pretty easy.”
“Let’s get coffees and continue this conversation,” Scarlett said, jumping up and moving to the kitchen area.
Another hour later, Amy left the office feeling thoroughly exhilarated – and more than a little envious that the women of Hope Cove Press got to do that for their job.
Leaving the meeting on a bit of a high, Amy went straight to Damian’s place. It meant she didn’t have to face the temptation of getting changed and making an effort for him. After last time, she’d also mentally prepared herself for the possibility that he might walk out of the door as soon as she walked in it.
She couldn’t even begrudge him going out and having fun. If he was dating, good for him. He deserved to be happy.
When the door to Damian’s place was opened by a tall, lithe girl with striking green eyes, Amy was momentarily confused. Then she inhaled a quick breath. “Emmy?”
“Hi,” she said shyly.
“You got so big,” Amy said. “Do you even remember me?”
She nodded. “You made daisy chains with me one time when you came to collect the boys.”
“Yes.” It was hard to fathom how that angelic seven-year-old looked so grown up. “I suppose you’re a bit big for daisy chains now.”
A flicker of delight flashed in Emmy’s eyes. “Most of the time.”
“Come through!” Damian shouted from the back door. “We’re all outside.”
The smell of smoke and cooked meat hit her as she followed Emmy through the house. Through the kitchen window, she caught sight of the back of a male head. Hugh presumably. A flash of nerves hit – similar to how she always felt around Damian’s parents.
Amy had got on great with Damian’s two best friends when they were together, but a lot had happened since then. In the intervening years she’d seen both Hugh and Leo in passing, but actually sitting down and spending time with them felt daunting. At least it seemed to be only Hugh, so it wasn’t a total ambush.