Page 37 of Riding the Waves
“You two are amazing!” Amy told them as she paddled her bare feet into the shallow water. “Are you going again?”
They both nodded, and she raised an arm to wave at Damian before finding a patch of dry sand to set her towel on. A few families were spread along the beach, but it remained reasonably quiet as she watched the boys repeatedly splashing out to Damian, then catching the waves back in.
Half an hour passed before they left the water to come and sit with her. After peeling their wetsuits off, Marty plonked himself on the edge of her towel while Billy happily sat on the sand and immediately began clawing at it as though digging was an automatic action.
“What do you think of our little surfer dudes?” Damian asked happily.
“They’re getting really good.” She pushed a lock of wet hair from Marty’s face. “You’ll be as good as Daddy soon, won’t you?”
“No. Daddy’s the best in the world at surfing,” Marty said, his voice betraying no doubt whatsoever.
A slow smile spread over Amy’s face. “You only think that because you haven’t seen me on a surfboard.”
Both Marty and Billy whipped around to her, the look on their faces reminding her that sarcasm was lost on them.
“I was joking,” she said, laughing at how trusting they were.
“Can you surf?” Billy asked.
“That’s a lie,” Damian said, his eyes sparkling.
“You shouldn’t lie, Mummy,” Marty announced seriously.
“I didn’t lie. I’m no good at surfing.”
“You used to be,” Damian argued.
“No, I didn’t.” She laughed. “Ignore Daddy,” she told the boys. “He obviously has a bad memory.”
“I have a great memory.” He looked at her intently. “You were good.”
Damian’s eyes narrowed and he had that look as though he was about to do something annoying – like the way he used to look before he’d pick her up and throw her into the sea, usually right after she’d dried off or had just got dressed.
“Who’d like to find out if Mummy can surf?” he asked loudly.
“No!” she hissed at him.
“I’m afraid you’re outnumbered,” Damian declared over the noise of the boys cheering. “And don’t say you don’t have your swimsuit, because I can see it from here.”
Too late, she pulled her T-shirt onto her shoulder to cover her bikini string. Her protests were also pointless because Damian was already halfway up the beach. Since resistance was obviously futile, she was standing in her bikini when Damian returned with a surfboard under each arm and a wetsuit slung over his shoulder.
The thought of giving surfing a go was actually pretty appealing. It had been so long since she’d been on a board, but her memories were strong in her mind. Naturally, they all involved Damian.
“Do I need that?” she asked when he held the wetsuit out to her.
“You’ll be more comfortable in it,” he said.
“You’re going to have to give me a refresher course,” she said, while battling to get the suit on.
“I was planning on it.” He helped with the wetsuit when she struggled, then gave the boys quick instructions about staying on the sand.
“I’m nervous,” Amy said as they set off into the water together. Wondering whether this was actually a good idea, her heart rate increased, and she felt a flutter deep in her stomach.
“Don’t be. You’ll be great.”