Page 51 of Riding the Waves
As Amy had suspected might happen, the boys pleaded for her to come out with them. Anthony also thought it would be good for the boys if they all spent time together.
She relented, partly because he probably had a point, but also because she was reasonably certain a day alone with her thoughts wouldn’t be the best thing for her.
They drove east with no particular destination in mind and ended up strolling around Dartmouth, looking at the boats in the harbour and enjoying a pub lunch. Billy saw a flyer for Dartmouth Castle, so that ended up being their next stop before they headed to Blackpool Sands for a swim and some sandcastle building.
When the sun disappeared behind thick clouds and a chill permeated the air, they moseyed back up the beach towards the car park. The boys enticed Anthony into a game of chase on the way, leaving Amy to shift into a daydream.
It had been an oddly peaceful day, though she wasn’t sure why she was surprised given that they’d had plenty of practice at family days out. It was the first time since they’d separated though and probably the first time that their time together had been truly authentic. They’d felt like two friends hanging out, which was probably all they should ever have been. She only hoped Anthony agreed on that matter when they had their talk later, presumably after Billy and Marty were back with Damian.
“Why did we come to the beach on a rainy day?” Anthony asked, running over to her with the boys close behind.
Only then did she notice the fat drops of rain that were falling. After a few more metres the heavens opened and the four of them made a mad dash for the car, the boys squealing and shouting unintelligible remarks as they went.
“How did the weather change so quickly?” Amy asked, shaking drops from her hair in the passenger seat. “This really is terrible weather for the beach.”
In the back of the car, the boys giggled gleefully.
“I thought it was the summer holidays,” Anthony told them in a jokey voice. “This isn’t summer holiday weather, is it? Especially not in Devon. I thought it never rained in Devon.”
“Sometimes it does,” Marty told him, leaning between the seats and staring at the raindrops bouncing from the windscreen.
“Like today!” Billy shouted. “Can we still get ice creams?”
Amy argued it was more like hot chocolate weather but Anthony drove around to the kiosk at the far end of the car park and hopped out to let the boys choose ice creams. It kept them quiet for the first half of the drive home, and the sound of the rain soothed them the rest of the way.
They’d just turned onto her road when a message came through from Damian. Staring at the phone screen, Amy thought of Anthony’s comment about her spending the summer in Hope Cove to be close to him. As far as she could tell, there didn’t seem to be much judgement in his words, just curiosity. Unless she’d got that totally wrong.
“Everything okay?” Anthony asked, breaking her thoughts.
“Yeah. Damian was just asking about picking the boys up. He’s going over to a friend’s place and would pick them up on the way.”
“Which friend?” Billy asked loudly.
“Hugh. You can have dinner over there with Emmy.” She looked at Anthony. “He also said he can pick them up later if you want longer with the boys.”
“It’s fine.” He checked his watch. “I should probably head off soon.”
Given the way the wind was driving rain violently against the windscreen she should probably offer for him to stay. She didn’t want to though. Things were complicated enough. “How long is your drive?” she asked.
“I’m actually staying in a hotel nearby. It seemed easier. Maybe I could come over tomorrow and see the boys before I leave.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“Dad’s making us pancakes for breakfast tomorrow,” Marty said. “Then we’re going surfing. Do you want to come and watch us surf?”
Anthony frowned. “I don’t know …”
“Why not?” Billy demanded. “I’m very good at it.”
“I didn’t mean I don’t know if I want to,” Anthony clarified. “I just don’t know if I can.”
“Mummy can tell you where the beach is,” Marty said, as though that could be the only obstacle. It was actually a good thing the boys were oblivious to the slightly awkward dynamics between the adults in their lives.
“You could just come and watch for half an hour,” Amy suggested. “I’m sure Damian won’t mind.”
“It would actually be fun to see them surfing, if you really think it would be all right with Damian.”