Page 55 of Riding the Waves
“What?” She pulled his hips flush against hers. “Please don’t say we should stop. I don’t want to stop.”
“Just not here,” he said, tilting her chin to tease her lips between his teeth. “Let’s go back to my place.”
Taking her hand he didn’t leave room for argument, and pulled her quickly out into the stormy evening. With the rain and wind lashing at them, Amy ducked her head and stuck close to Damian’s side. They were both laughing when they piled into her car.
Damian reached across the console to push a strand of dripping hair off her face, then kissed her in a movement so natural it made Amy’s stomach flutter.
“I missed you,” he whispered against her ear.
She inhaled his distinct scent – a heady blend of salt and sand and sunshine that was so uniquely him. “I missed you too.”
“Let’s go home and get warm,” he murmured, then pressed a kiss to her jaw that made her skin tingle.
Not needing any more encouragement, she went to turn the engine on but stopped as a flash of lightning hit, illuminating everything around them. Amy’s attention went to the VW van in the next parking spot.
“How come you kept it?” she asked.
“The van? I thought you’d have got rid of it.”
“No chance,” he said with a frown. “I’d never get rid of her.”
Amy chewed on her lip, remembering all the nights they’d spent there together. “Can I see?”
“The van?”
“Yes. I want to see inside.”
Damian blew out a breath. “Let’s just go home. I’m freezing.”
“Just a quick look.” She reached for the door handle, ready to brave the elements again.
“I don’t have the key,” Damian said in a rush.
“Isn’t it with your house key?” She raised a quizzical eyebrow. “What exactly don’t you want me to see in there?”
“Nothing. I’m just not keen to leave this car unless it’s to move into a warm house.”
“Give me the key then.” She held her palm out and entered a staring competition with him.
Finally, he reached for his door handle. “Just a quick look, then we’re going home to get warm.”
The van door whirred on its tracks when Damian slid it open, then again when he closed it behind them. Another flash of lightning lit the van. At one end of the cosy space, the bed was made up with a small set of drawers beside it that held a lamp, a scuffed beer mat and a collection of shells and sea glass.
Plunged into darkness again, Amy turned on the torch on her phone. Damian stayed hunched by the door as she moved further inside. She refrained from asking why he was being so cagey about her being there. Something was off though – the place was so neat and homely. It felt lived in.
“Does this work?” she asked, picking up the small lamp.
“It should do, if the batteries haven’t run out.” He took it from her, clicking the switch, then setting it back down.
The glow of light was dim, but enough for Amy to switch off her torch. “It’s cute in here,” she said, as the noise of the rain decreased to a gentle tapping.
“Yeah.” Damian inched back, his head bent to avoid hitting the roof. “Can we go and get warm and dry now?”
“Hang on a minute. There’s no rush, is there?”